

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2008
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hi every one here i am asking for some advise again (sorry) do i need to book a midwife appointment myself i went to the doctors yday all she did was take my blood pressure and give me some leaflets and the free perscription form etc and said il recieve a letter in a few weeks confirming when my scan will be?? she didnt even take a pregnancy test what do i nneed to do
Hi, dont worry, thats sounds about right. Your midwife should make an appointment at 10 weeks and see you before your 12 week scan. Your first app will mainly be paperwork anyway. I found it amazing that noone actually confirmed i was preggers until 12 week scan, but apparently this is commonly how its done.
It was different with my surgery.I made an appointment after doing a home pregnancy test,the Dr took my blood pressure,gave me a pot to pee in lol which i returned the follwing day,called for results a few days later which of course were positive,then was told to make another appointment with my Dr...who then worked out my due dates and gave me a prescription for folic acid and told me to book an appointment with the midwife for the following week ( which would of made me 9 weeks by then)..saw the midwife on Wednesday who took my bloods and has booked me in for a scan etc.

Wierd how areas do it all so differently :?
lol oh rite hehe i jus guessed she believed me when i said i did 7 test from 7 different shops one being digital and all said pregnant lol :oops: she didnt even say anything about a midwife at 10 weeks or anything like that so il gues i w8 for m letter in a few weeks the coz it should come b4 im 10 weeks lol so i can make the appointment lol ooo its all such a parlava sp? when no 1 tells you everything lol i wish i was at home as their family planning clinic is really good and the ladies that work there has loads of info lol but i just have to stick with you lovely ladies
It's crap isn't trudie, my GP never even asked how many tests I'd done, noone even suggested confirming it! I really did think it was a distinct possibility that they'd tell me it was all in my head at my scan yesterday! But no, there really is a baby in there believe it or not. But it sounds normal on the mw front, if your doc has referred you for scan it'll be part of the same process and mw will contact you. Everywhere does it diff but they'd have told you if you needed to contact them direct. They might just write with an appt, they did with me, took ages though, appt was at 11+4 but I think they gave me 2 or 3 weeks notice.
thats all mine was, my BP got taken and i was given my referral letter to hand in at reception. thats it! just waiting for a letter or summink :?
oh yeah, re. the confirmation preg test- my doc was gonna do one he gave me a pisspot which i took to the toilet but i couldnt do a wee (gosh, not like u trix! lol) he said never mind they will do one at the mw app anyway. when i was preg with millie they didnt tho (not that i remember :think: ) they just took my word for it! lol
i had to give a sample as i was a new to the surgery lol oh i dunno i gues il w8 for the letter
I was very daspointed with my GP last week as she couldn't even calculate my due date right..
Then she told me to book myself in for midwife appointment and that they'll send me letter when i'll have my scan. :doh:
Not so helpfull at all..

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