Midwife today and info about blood results!?!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

Had my midwife today. She did the usual. Bump s 33cm so a little bit ahead but nothing unusual. Babys bum is by my ribs and arms and legs poking my left side, lol!

All the normal stuff is fine.


She had been speaking to someone about my bloods from from hospital appointment 2 weeks ago. As you know i was refered as i wasn't absornbing iron. Anyway, she said they tested for sickle cell anaemia and thasalaemia (sp?). And the results were inconclusive. So she said the woman from the hospital would be in contact to talk to me about it. It could be that i'm a carrier.

Which is funny as these conditions are usually only found in certain ethnic groups and as i am white british i didn't think it meant me. But apparently if you have any other nationalities in you heritage you can be affected. I told her my grandad is polish and nan french and she said that is probably why then??

Anyway they want DP to get tested ASAP. Apparently if he is also a carrier than it could affect the baby. Not sure how, they didn't say. But if he is not then they will just give me some info on it and baby may just be a carrier.

So i have to wait and see what i hear from them when DP has had his bloods done.

I am really worried now. I hope bubba is ok, and i still don't really know if i actually have any of these conditions.

Does anyone know anything about this?

Laura & little peanut

I dont know about any of this but hope things turn out okay, at least you will know before LO is born though :hug:
I can't be of an help I am afraid, I am sure that everything will turn out fine though! Thomas has bottom in ribs and arms and legs to the left!
sorry I don't but do understand the worry.I have all this with the anti bodies in my blood and its a case of wait and see till he's born.

I found reading info on the net helpful but for some i think it puts more fear of worst case senario..Does your OH have other nationalities in his background?


He has just got in from work and i asked him and he is not aware of any. So hopefuly all will be ok. Just wierd though. I always thought it was african and asian background people who were suseptible to sickle cell.

I suppose i will find out more later...

Sickle cell anaemia only affects those of african orgin.

Thalasaemia is common amongst Greeks and Cypriots mainly I think, but can be found in outher mediteraneans and rarely elsewhere.

Obviously you have to take into account that our society has been pretty mobile the last 150 years ormore and some genes could be in your bloodline that might surprise you!
How bizzare!

Like i say i know my grandad is polish and my nan french but i have never been aware of any other nationalities in my blood. Obviously i don't know my ebtire family history but i am a pretty pale and pasty person and so are my family, and thought it affected people with darker skin.

Suppose we learn something new everyday!!


:hug: Laura :hug:
I do hope they explain it all clearly to you soon enough to ease your mind, very best wishes :hug:
Hun it does sound very confusing! I hope you get some answers soon! :hug: :hug:

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