midwife app and spd?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Hiya all i had my 36 week mw app this morning all was fine i'm still measuring just over 2 weeks ahead but they are not overly concerned but she did say she thinks i have spd as i have been having alot of pain when i walk anywhere is this just something i will have to put up with untill lo is here or is there anything i can do? i shouldn't be as bad as no more school runs till after xmas but just little things like ironing for more than 15 mins leave me in pain i don't really know much about it?
Hi unfortunately you will have it till baby arrives. You can get a spd belt and crutches from the physio but that may take a while with xmas. The only thing I can suggest is plenty of rest etc. I have suffered for a couple of months now but Mrs Mc is the expert so best to try and speak to her. lol. xxxxx
I've had really bad back and hip pain for about two weeks, I wasn't sleeping at all and was living with a hotwater bottle attached to my back :(
I went and bought a support belt off eBay and it's amazing I've only used it for two full days and my back is loads better. Still getting some pain but nothing like I was I actually slept last night :)

Hope you get some relief xxx
Sleep with a pillow between. Knees and ankles. A support belt u can buy from mothercare or online. Avoid standing for long periods and take paracetomal it does no harm!

It's horrible xx but unfortunately the only cure is delivery! :-(

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Ooh also when getting in and out the car sit down and swivel ur legs round together lol.

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
won't be long before i can't fit in the car lol thanks girls i think a bump band will help but then i haven't that long left are they expensive?
Depends U can get different ones I have this onehttp://m.mothercare.com/mt/www.mothercare.com/Mothercare-Support-Belt/dp/B005UCSWJY?ie=UTF8&ref=sr_1_4&nodeId=42764041&sr=1-4&qid=1324068514&pf_rd_r=0ZZPD32D7FZNB3ZQ8ZFN&pf_rd_m=A2LBKNDJ2KZUGQ&pf_rd_t=301&pf_rd_i=0&pf_rd_p=231490887&pf_rd_s=center-7

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
Ah don't think link works. I am on my phone. If u go to mothercare.com and sear maternity support they all come up

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
They range from £12-35 on eBay, since wearing it I haven't had to take paracetamol but then I suppose this may change as I get bigger xxx
Mines like a wide band I think it's an Emma Jane one x
Worth a try I went thru a few before i found one that suited me

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
I think I have had spd for the last two months of my pregnancy which was ignored by midwife. Bought myself a wide support belt from physiomed which helps. At my term appointment this week mentioned it to different midwife who asked if had physio- my reply was no as been telling midwife about this but nothing been done! One of my friends has been referred to physio which has helped plus given advice on labour etc. now I am overdue And according to scan couple of days ago having a big baby the spd is unbearable. If I knew two months ago what I know now would have made more of a fuss and demanded physio. So my advice is to get a physio appointment arranged.
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There are also a few spd support groups online and they give details of how it can effect birth eg no stirrups xx
I measure with a tape measure how wide u can part my legs so I can tell mw when in labour. :) also positions such as kneeling on all fours and on ur side r recommend for spd :)

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4

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