messed up cycle help !!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2012
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So ever since my periods started ive been a bang on 28 day regular cycle so why now are they getting shorter last af was2 days early this cycle im 4 days early ,, 4 bloody days whats that all.about im fed up stressed out and thinking something is wrong , and to top it all off its becomin a realisation that havin another child just isnt going to happen , has this happened to anyone else ?? , sorry for the rant but just been to the loo started spotting and ive had some strong symptoms this month xxx
no sure about the shorter cycles - but on reading about things - if you ovulate a slightly bad quality egg the corpus luteum from that egg that is responsible for producing progesterone until hcg is released if bfp is also bad quality and therefore produces less progesterone towards the end of the cycle - hence spotting starts early - then another cycle you may get a longer lp as a better quality egg was produced?

I usually have a 13 day LP but have had 2 cycles where my temps dropped quite early and I started spotting about 10dpo :( I am 35 in a couple of weeks so think that has something to do with that.....
As you get older, cycle length can shorten unfortunately, doesn't make it impossible to get pregnant though x
I suppose thats the answer then im 36 soon so i guess the chances of conceiving are reducing very quickly :-( xx
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Don't stress too much over it, I've been pg twice with 24/25 day cycles and my mc had nothing to do with it xx
Thanks scn and i want 3 , ive just been reading about soy isoflavones do u think they could help as it seems my cycles are becoming a bit out of whack , do u know anything about them im not one for takin pills but im prepared to take anything tjat will help get a bfp xx
I feel the same, I'm 37 and getting more and anxious as I have started spotting 10dpo the last few months. Seeing my gp this afternoon for my 2-5 day results and am expecting she want 21 day bloods next which may give me some answers. I feel your stress, today not a good day! Xx
I hope u get good news at your dr app xx

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