? Maybe Baby, Vickyxx or anyone else??

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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hi girls

as you know i have my doctors appt on friday and i was wondering what tests i should be asking for. i checked my bupa membership and it says that if my doc refers me they will run infertility tests. if he for some reason doesn't agree to refer me for that, what tests should i be asking for on the NHS aside of day 21 bloods??

hope you are both well xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Hun,

I have had-

- A full blood count, that checks thyroid function, FSH- that stimulates the ovaries, and LH - the hormone picked up by the OPKs.

- CD21- Progesterone.

- Ultrasound on my ovaries

- I also had a smear test and at the same time a chlamydia test.

- Before your get referred to a fertility specialist your OH has to have a semen analysis.

Not sure what tests Bupa will do Hun but all of the above tests only took a week to come back apart from my smear that was longer.

Also Hun do you have info about your cycles, like how long each one is and when you OV and how long from OV to AF etc?

If possible add a couple of months on to the amount of time you have tried too!

I have been offered hubbys sperm count clamydia (smear done recently) and cd21 thats prob what you will get offered b4 a referral
thanks MB. yes i have all of the info regarding my cycles, to be fair they are regular, mostly ov on day 16/17 then af on day 30/31.

do you have to have the semen analysis?? i was hoping i could be tested without involving OH yet :(

thanks for your help with that. was this all organised at one appointment or did they start with part of it and then go through each test one at a time? xx
Hi Hun,

First, I had the blood counts, and progesterone I forgot to say earlier that the blood count also checked if I had PCOS, how did you get diagnosed?

I had already had the scan before TTC as I had some pain in my ovaries.

After I had all these tests I asked to get referred and my Doc said that they had to test Hubbys semen first, I was given to pot to take away and we had to drop it at the lab so he didn't have to go to one of the clinics with all the crusty pornos!!

Has your OH already got any children? If so he might not need to be tested..

Also Hun, you may as well get him tested as you might be fine and the problem may be with him, or if his results are just average then you are more likely to get help with you having PCOS.

I might be wrong but I think Tracys GP just gave her Clomid, I have a close family member who works with a top IVF doctor who says Clomid is a wonder drug.

i really want it now lol!

my OH doesn't have any other children but i have been pregnant before by him, i M/C at 7 weeks but that was about 3 years ago. i'm going to try not to mention it unless they ask as they may say i dont need the tests!

OK, so i need to ask for the bloods and a scan at the moment and then take it from there? i found out i had pcos from a blood test years ago, i think i was 14 at the time!! lets hope my doc is sympathetic!

did your OH take it OK when you asked him to do the test, i'm a bit worried! i dont' want to make it a big issue with him but i suppose i can't avoid it! xx
Yeah he took it ok, he was really glad he could do it at home though, and I think he wanted to
prove it was ok so I couldn't nag him every time he had a beer!

You never know Hun, what the Doc will decide to do, but all I can say is that the first 2 docs I saw were crap! I had to call and complain and I got a call back one day by chance from a really really nice lady, who I have seen since she was the one who referred me, I didn't actually ask her to either, I had a voicemail from her one day a few days after I saw her, I thought that was really kind of her.

If you don't seem to get anywhere try asking if there is a particular Doc that specializes in fertility and maybe see them.

Good Luck, Keep me posted.

My hubby and I already have a son but have been trying for number 2 for 16 months I went to the dr and she sent me for the bloods, when they are back she said we can talk about more tests so I wouldn't worry too much about havibg been pregnant before. Some people suffer with secondary infertility after they have a pregnancy so don't worry. Xx
Because my cycles are irregular the first test I had done was a full blood count, after that it was a scan of my ovaries which is how they knew i had pcos. Next was 21 bloods, which is usually one of the first tests you have done but I had to wait ages for my next cycle to begin. Then we had the semen sample, I think this is mandatory when having infertility tests done so not sure if you can get away without having it done. I would def ask for the scan hun as I don't see how they could have diagnosed your mild pcos just by having a bloos test, so def worth getting a second opinion on that. Hopefully you will have an understanding doctor who will get some tests arranged for you. Let us know how you get on xx
thanks girls, vicky i did have a scan too when i was much younger and got told i have pcos. when i misscarried a few years ago i asked them what they could see with regards to my pcos and they said its very mild but i still want another scan.

i really hope my dr sends me for the tests! i'll let you know tomorrow what he says, thanks for your help girlies xxx
best of luck with your appointment tomorrow... I know how you are feeling> Im seeing mine tomorrow as well :hugs:
Good luck today hunny, hope it all goes really well for you, let us know x x
Aww thanks girls, il log on later and tell u how it goes. To check, I basically have to say: been actively trying for almost a year but have not been taking contraception for most of my 7 year relationship (we used to try to avoid ov but not gonna mention that) I had cd21 test a few months ago was told it was ok (still not sure if it was) and
I want him to refer me for further tests etc?! X
Hi sweetie

I would openly lie about being pregnant before if i was you! It will make a big difference to how much help they give you in this early stage of tests. Just say neither of you ever have or they wont take you as seriously.
Hey hun,

How did you get on with ur blood tests?

Sorry if you have posted this somewhere else - I havnt seen anything about it xx
thanks girls, i have had to cancel my blood tests (due tomorrow) as af hasn't arrived properly just had a bit of spotting. the witch should be here properly tomorrow but i think it should be cd5 so going to rearrange. hope u r all well? loopylou, glad ur results came back fine.

starfish, i didn't mention it xxx

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