I am 34 weeks, and I have booked my maternity leave to start from the 23 July (due 02 Aug). This is mainly because HR insist on at least 28 days notice to change the date and wanted the start date given 15 weeks in advance of when you start maternity leave. My boss on the other had is great (she has had 4 kids and is really supportive), and is happy for me to take leave and finish when I need to. Thankfully, my job involves sitting around a lot (I am software engineer) and I work in an air conditioned office so if anything it is more pleasant than being at home.
Thankfully, although I work in a male dominated environment all the men I work with have been incredibly solicitous. One guy is giving me a lift whenever we need to work from a different site (which is just over 1hrs drive away), he even comes and picks me up. Another guy emailed me this morning to warn me that he son has Chicken Pox and wanted to check that I had it before I go down to the office he works in tomorrow. I can't believe the guys some of you have to work with.
Thankfully so far I am feeling fine - I am also lucky in that we work flexi time, so if I feel too tired one day, I can just leave early and go home and lie down. This has been the case the last few Mondays, but that is because I end up doing too much at the weekend with the house work, visiting in-laws etc.