Making Bottles Please Help ASAP


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Hi everyone I am home with my new princess today and in a dilemma! I am bottle feeding her but the tim of SMA says to make them up in demand which I find how will this work through the night!! I thought I could boil the kettle leave for 25 mins, make up formula, cool and then put in the fridge and when needed boil kettle and warm as required, can I do this!! Please help!!
That's what I did with DD. They don't recommend you do this now but I know several people who do and I can't see why not! I can't see what can have changed so dramatically to make it suddenly 'unsafe'.
I'm still doing it the old way and Charleys fine! sod making bottles up in the middle of the night! Congrats on your little girl! I didn't relise you'd had her!! x x
I'm still doing it the old way and Charleys fine! sod making bottles up in the middle of the night! Congrats on your little girl! I didn't relise you'd had her!! x x

Thank you only yesterday morning she arrived with a bang!! Just home today at 1pm so its all go at the min~!
I make up my bottles in advance and hasn't caused Harvey any harm!!!! As long as you use the bottles within the 24hrs i think you'll be fine!!!! Like you say fumbling around in the middle of the night is not practical esp with the lack of sleep!!!
I bought a tommee tippee flask and I boil the kettle, leave for half an hour then put it in the flask. I don't think there is any harm doing it the other way but I wanted to follow the proper guidelines xxx
Hey! Phil and I sterilise a flask and put boiled water in for during the day bottles and at night pre make bottles! Tried making them up as we go and it was bloody hard work. 3am, knackered with screaming baby. NO thank you! Congratulations I believe xx
i make 6 up at a go and it fine bugger making nighttimes harder i dont heat bots tho which also hellps
We used to boil the water and fill the sterilised bottles with the boiled water, would fill enough for the day, pop the lids on and leave the water at room temperature.
When needed, would grab a bottle of cooled boiled water, an extra ounce of freshly boiled and then the formula - mix and serve as temperature usually spot on. For example, 2oz cooled bolied water, 1oz freshly boiled, add 3oz formula then serve.
Never had any problems doing this and would take a flask of freshly boiled water out with us during the day or take upto bed with the forumla in a seperate container then make as before.
Might help?
For night feeds we fill the bottles with the right amount of boiled water and add the formula, which we pre measure, when we need it. the bottles are kept on the side
We used to boil the water and fill the sterilised bottles with the boiled water, would fill enough for the day, pop the lids on and leave the water at room temperature.
When needed, would grab a bottle of cooled boiled water, an extra ounce of freshly boiled and then the formula - mix and serve as temperature usually spot on. For example, 2oz cooled bolied water, 1oz freshly boiled, add 3oz formula then serve.

thats a really good idea, Im gonna start doing that. thanks I think the advice to preapre feeds on demand is unrealistic and therefore more dangerous cos there arent guidelines on how to do it any other way so people just have to work it out for themselves.:roll:
yeah I always did as MDSRemos did , but without the adding extra warm ounce as we didn't warm ours.
You can get powder pots wkith three holes to have the premeasured powder in and just tio , shake and feed.
No wastage in any bottles then!
what i done hun... tryed baby with room temp bottles... so ur boiling water and leave in jug and then when babies ready throw in milk and powder and away ya go when i started doing it my sil who thought it was minging moved her 2 month old onto room temp bottles and baby took straight away xx
We used to boil the water and fill the sterilised bottles with the boiled water, would fill enough for the day, pop the lids on and leave the water at room temperature.
When needed, would grab a bottle of cooled boiled water, an extra ounce of freshly boiled and then the formula - mix and serve as temperature usually spot on. For example, 2oz cooled bolied water, 1oz freshly boiled, add 3oz formula then serve.
Never had any problems doing this and would take a flask of freshly boiled water out with us during the day or take upto bed with the forumla in a seperate container then make as before.
Might help?

This is exactly what i do. I would offer Ethan bottles at room temp but cow and gate comfort milk doesnt mix properly if it's not with warm water, it goes really thivk and can have lumps in it :oooo:.
^^ been doing this for a few days and its fab. Im very happy thankyouuuuuuu!

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