Maheen and I are finally back home!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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Hi everyone, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your warm wishes!!!

I don't really know where to probably from my final post on the "3rd trimester thread - Check in". Don't worry, it won't be very long! :lol:
After 9:30 pm, My contractions became very regular and much more intense, so we called again the delivery suite, and they said to come in...which I did. Arrived there at quarter to eleven, remember the clock very well, was constantly looking at it!
It took them a while to manage to check me as the contractions were so frequent and when they finally manages it, I was 6 cm delated! :shock:

so I asked for the birth pool, was lucky it was free, and 20 minutes later I dropped my tens machine and was in there with gaz and air.

and that's nearly it! :D I even took the decision to deliver in the pool, as it was heaven for my back! But my temperature wnt up and baby Maheen's heart beat dropped a little bit, so they made me come out. I could have gome back, but decided I could not move anymore and without anything else than gaz and air and tens, Maheen was born at 2:38 am. She weighs 3kg 580 (7.14 lbs) and she is 53 cm. all perfect and in good health so far. Apghar 9.

I am so proud of her and so thankful as well, as I really was worried I would have to have epidural for a c-section. But she made it quick for me.
The very last bit though, seemed to go on for ages, they kept on telling me the head was just around the corner, but as she actally was oblique, the head was not quite in the right position and was lying on my perineum!!!
therefore, I have had a few 2nd degree tears and my bottom are killing me. I would say it seems worse for me than during labour!!!!!!!! :p
can't really sit!

Oh yes, I nearly forgot: During labour I bit my husband!!!! :oops: was aiming at his tee-shirt, but got a bit of skin with it!!!!!!!!!
He has been great, I know I could not have done it this way without him!!!
I love him sooooooooo much!

Oh God, I have been very long! for a 5 hours long labour!

My husband has set up a website for Maheen, so you can go on to:

I won't post pictures here.

One last thing, asking for advice really! Maheen does not latch on my breast very well, and unfortunately I haven't got anything either (no colostum) so in hospital, we have only given her cow and gate in a cup.
I have bought cow and gate from tescos, but would still like to try breastfeeding (you never know!!!!). Any advice?

Again, thanks a lot to all for your nice messages! Maheen (who is sleeping next to me) says hi and is calling all due babies to join her :wink:

Take care everyone
Mel, Maheen and Proud daddy Azeem xxx
awww hun shes lovely well done sounds like the labour was not to bad either :D hope your both well and good luck with b/f xxxx
That is such a lovely birth story, I laughed at the bit where you bit your husband :D

If you want to try breastfeeding all I can suggest is that you let Maheen suckle on you when she is hungrey as this will stimulate your breasts into making milk. It takes a couple of days for your milk to come in but persevere if you can. I would ask your midwife or health visitor for advivce on latching Maheen on, they may be able to show you and help you do it, or they may tell you about breast feeding support in your area. I struggled at the beginning and gave Seren formula (it took ages for my milk to come in) but I perservered and she feeds of me fine. I did find it tough, the constant feeding made my nipples sore so I used nipple shields and lasinoh nipple cream. It is tiring and sore but does get better. Good luck hun x

Oh I tried the website but for some reason it wouldn't let me on, will try again later so I can see the photos.

As for feeding, I was going to say what beanie said, let her suckle and get advice on positioning :) good luck!
What a dear little thing!
awww, shes soo cute! and thats a really pretty name!


Awwwwwww shes beautiful hun and I love the pic of your hubby holding her.........he looks soooooooooooo proud and happy!
Big congrats!

tu as un beau bebe!!!! bon courage pour lui apprendre les 3 langues et je te dis a bientot
Congratulations Mel, she's gorgeous!!!
Hope all is going well for you.
I'm off to Pakistan for 8 weeks on Sunday so by the time I get back you'll be a seasoned mother :D
Take care
Louise x

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