firstly, have a
I can totally understand your worry, and your frustration at not being 'taken seriously' by your doctors. My advice to you is PERSEVERE. Take her back and request a blood test. You know your daughter best and you should trust your instincts. The lump will most definitely be a swollen lymph gland and if it's been up for quite some time then they should take a closer look at her.
Please don't panic though. The most likely explanation is that she has lowered immunity and she's just picking up loads of infections because of this.
When I was the same age as Summer the exact same thing happen to me. My mum was at her wits end. One minute I'd be playing happily, the next I would just lie down and go to sleep. I lost weight, had swollen glands, and didn't eat. Some days I'd be absolutely fine, running around and eating normally, the next day my mum couldn't even get me to speak, I'd just lie on the sofa. Mum had me at the doctors endlessly, and eventually they took me into hospital for tests. Everybody was starting to think the worst, even the doctors. Then (and remember this was about 33 years ago) they injected my blood into a lab technician! The said lab technician then became very ill and it turned out I was carrying a really nasty 'adult virus'. My body just wasn't able to fight it off because I was so small.
My mum said the relief when they actually found out was just amazing, and even though it took me over a year to fully recover, at least they knew what they were dealing with and that it wasn't anything life threatening.
You need to know for your piece of mind, so stand your ground and insist that they investigate further. I'm sure the doctor you are seeing on Monday will be able to help. Make him listen!
Good luck and I hope things continue to improve.