Low Progesterone level 19


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2015
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Hey girls, I need your help.

Done my blood tests and got my results back.

My progesterone level is too low. Its 19.

I don’t what does it mean. I will see my GP next Thursday just can’t wait that long to find out.

Many thanks x
Sorry I have no knowledge on this but didn't want to read and run.

I suspect I have low progesterone but it's not confirmed. Can I ask what your symptoms were, if any? Did your doctor do your bloods?

I hope someone can give you and answer to your question xx

I used to have spotting mid month. Then I started taking all the vitamins I could. The spotting stopped, but my Lphase is only 11 days.
I have been TTC actively for 8 months. So I begged my GP for blood tests and now got the result back. I just had gut feeling my progesterone levels needed to be checked.

I will take pills and it should increase it a lot

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I'm desperate for my progesterone to be tested but my doctor referred me to a gynecologist and said they will do my bloods. So now I have to wait for an appointment. It just longs it out, wish he had tested it for me.

I assume the progesterone cream and tablets are only available when prescribed? I have looked online but can't source them anywhere.

Fingers crossed it works for you. I will be following to see how you get on

It took me 6 months to get these tests done! Its crazy! How long till you get to the appointment?

Yes you can get prescribed meds to treat it. My gp made a mistake and said these tests need to be done on day 21.

My cycle is only 26 days, so he took bloods on 23 day. 3 days before AF was too late. So 19 is still low but at least its not 0.7 like in the worst case scenario.x
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How long is you luteal phase? If its below 12 days its defo a sign of low PG. Mine is 11 days. PG supplements should increase it to 12-14 days.
6 months??? That must have felt like forever!! Hopefully your doctor will prescribe you something to help. When waiting for an appointment the days drag! My doctor said it could take up to 8 weeks for an appointment. 8 weeks!!!

My spotting starts anywhere from 4-7 days before af Is due but on average it's about 4 days. I have a 28 day cycle so I think my lutheal phase is around 10 days or so. (Not sure if my calculations are spot on).

Look forward to hearing what your doc says on Thursday
I've started raking maca root and vitamin b complex to try and help with the spotting. Last month it had reduced the spotting and I got a bfp. Still had a loss though so I think it increased enough to help me concieve but not enough to sustain a pregnancy. Of course this is just me speculating....
I've been taking all vitamins including b complex for 6 months and yes it slightly improved and I had less spotting. But still had 2 cycles when I had spotting a week before AF. So it's clearly a sign of low pg.
I'm getting also high dose of B6 on its own. 100 mg at least. That increases pg as well. Will get that tomorrow from Holland and Barrett x

Are you temping? November cycle temps barely rose above the cover line. Then I took all the vitamins and April cycle looked better. The temp rose higher above the cover line.

I will be temping again this cycle to see how temp rises after taking progesterone supplement x
Will you be taking the high dose vit B6 along with the vit B complex?

I don't temp, I don't really understand it all.

Do you feel feel positive about getting the progesterone from ur doc?
This sounds like me with the spotting and referrals! You can buy progesterone cream online (make sure it's natural). I have taken pg supplements before and sometimes it's stopped the spotting, sometimes not. Clomid did as it's a phytoestrogen blocker or something? I have pcos too though so that probably complicates matters.

I do find temping tells you a lot about your body. I had a perfect cycle a couple of months ago, then a chem, then this month they were all over the place (!) but I did ov at least.

I've found maca root reaaaaallyyy good for hormone balancing. I much prefer the tablets though. It says 1-2 a day and I'm upping to 2 this cycle.

Btw - I used to spot for up to 2 weeks, now it's down to 1 day, so there is hope! Xx
And even though I've got pcos, had IVF etc ive still not had a full hormone profile done!!!
The low progesterone means its possible you haven't ovulated that cycle. See if you can get a print out from the GP of your blood results so that you can see what ref ranges they use. Mine usually say it needs to be 30+ to indicate ovulation xx
Did you definitely have it done on the right day?
Yes I will be taking vitamin B6 plus B complex. B complex contains small amount of b6 only.
I don't know what gp will say to me next Thursday. If he gives me prescription and then does blood test again its great. If not then I will take progesterone tablets my friends friend gave me. I think I rushed a bit with these pills x
I feel completely lost x

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Yes, Lisey is right. Low progesterone usually means a problem at the start of the cycle eg oestrogen too low. So work on hormone balancing overall x
I think my blood test was done too late. Day 23. Or 3 days before AF arrived. My day 21 fell into weekend so I wish I done it on day 20. x

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Ahhh that may explain it. He'll probably repeat it xx
Phonix how did you find out you had pcos?
I've heard about maca. Never tried it.
I really don't know what to do. X

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