Low amniotic fluid @ 20 week scan... Terrified!


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Aug 7, 2016
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This is my first post! Looking for some advice and support and any happy endings to this people may have!

I'm absolutely terrified... I had my 20 week scan last week and it has showed very low amniotic fluid. I don't know what level as I didn't know to ask. I saw 2 different consultants. One was my own and was very negative about the whole thing saying that there's a chance I'll miscarry very soon. The other one and one of the midwives were much more optimistic, saying that scan showed baby has kidneys and a bladder, it is a little small but not worryingly so, and my placenta is working well to deliver the baby what it needs! Oh and I haven't leaked! Thinking back now my tummy seemed a little flat! Like it had deflated a bit?

I've read some pretty awful stories online about it 😔
Also I read that drinking water, coconut water and watermelon can help? Also lying on left side and plenty of rest especially on the left side! From what I've read it seems to be a 50/50 chance of this helping!

I have been resting since Wednesday, drinking 5-6 litres of water a day as well as the coconut water and watermelon! My stomach actually seems to have grown, I'm hoping this is a good sign and I've felt lots of movement from baby! Has anyone got any experience of this?!

I'm absolutely heartbroken and terrified at the thought of something happening to my baby 😔 X
Hi, sorry to hear that, I haven't experienced it but my advice is don't google it too much as you will only stress yourself out more.

What have they said? Are you having extra scans? Keep up the hydration techniques though as that can only be a benefit :) x
Oh i'm so sorry you've got this to worry about.. Very disconcerting i'm sure that you've got such different advice from the 2 consultants. I didn't have this myself but know someone who did have low fluid levels (though not sure hiw extreme it was? Her bump was teeny..) They monitored her and baby's growth closely and she ended up having to have a c-section, I believe because the low fluid meant the baby hadn't been able to turn itself so was breach. Other than that I don't remember her being concerned about it. Really hope everything works out for you xx
Curiously how early was her section? X
I'm hoping that's what might happen, if the baby can just hang on in there. I need to get to 21 weeks for my scan, that's my first priority! Then after that 24 so it gives the baby a chance of survival! The midwife said fluid can change from week to week so to wait and see next week! It doesn't seem very common which is scaring me more! Thank you for your replies X
Are you 20 weeks now then?
Fingers crossed next scan is an improvement x
I have no personal experience but I have seen posts in the past from other ladies with the same problem who had a positive outcome. I hope the levels have improved for you at the next scan.
Yes I'm 20+4 at the mo! I've got everything crossed �� Thank u x x x
So your next scan is in a few days? Are you feeling movements yet? X
Ooh it was a good 6 years ago Mrs B but she certainly wasn't very prem.. I want to say 37/38 weeks? She hung on until quite late. Hoping your babe hangs on Tweety xxx
37/38 weeks is fab ... Hopefully tweety you have similar experience and all goes well x
That's brill! some positive news for a change! Thank u so much! Yep ive felt baby move lots so just hoping he/she keeps it up! Lots of wriggling and punches and kicks, no somersaults yet, but I'm sure that was a little later with my son! My scan is on Thursday morning! Just trying to rest as much as possible not easy when it's the summer holidays, you have an active 5 year old and you're normally out and about all summer! But I have to! X
At least you have movements that can keep you reassured that baby is still ok. I know it's difficult to rest but it's what is best for you and baby x

Yes she was definitely one of the many success stories lovely :) Hope all goes well at the scan.. Don't feel guilty for resting - I know you didn't say you did feel guilty but i'm sure you probably do having your 5 year old at home.. I have a 4 year old daughter and I felt awful when I was laid up for a few days with complications around 9 weeks.. Rope in any help you can to keep him entertained! My daughter lived on her iPad as it is the only thing that will keep her still. I felt like a terrible mother but you have to do what you have to do! xx

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