Well baby is hearing now in there, so really loud noise might upset him/her. Sure Baby might enjoy music, but its never heard it at the level of a concert before.
I went to a concert at 3 months, stood near the back and was fine. But baby could not hear then. I've been with another friend who was about 7 months but we were seated and well back from the stage, but her baby kicked and squirmed the whole way though and she was really uncomfortable because of it. I don't think it was because it was enjoying the concert either
3 hours of sustained loud noise and vibrations probably really peed it off.
Don't forget the decibel level, especially with loud bands (and I think Linkin Park falls into that group) can cause big vibrations and so on also. And its LOUD. It might not be pleasant for LO in there for such a loud noise for a sustained period of time.
You can try it, stay nearer the back and near an exit so you can scoot out if it gets too much. I'd certainly not want to go near the front and the speakers. Remember how bad your ears hurt after standing near those at a concert, so imagine what effect it will have on baby in there.
If it were me, I'd consider passing on it. Not only because of the noise, but because it might mean hours on my feet and if standing, I'd not want to be arsed. It was bad enough at 3 months stood for ages. I was knackered after it. If you are seated its better, but I myself would be wary still but probably give it a try.
If baby kicks a lot more than normal and does not settle after a while, I'd be inclined to think that it might be too much and to go outside. Just because they kick doesn't mean they are happy is how I look at it. They are responding yes, but it doesn't always mean that they are enjoying themselves. My LO hates it when I turn over in bed and always kicks me hard and I think s/he is protesting at being disturbed. I can't see how s/he would be enjoying being flipped over like a pancake when they were resting