Loose Poo Hell


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2014
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Hello ladies,

My ds is coming up to 9 months old and for the past two weeks his poos have been really liquid. It started as full on diarrhoea with him going up to 10 times a day and while it is slightly better he is still going up to six times a day and quite often I'm noticing that the meal I fed him a few hours b4 is turning up in his nappy relatively unharmed just a few hours later.

Initially the doctor said it was gastroenteritis but he is well in himself and I can't believe it would go on this long. I don't think it is a food allergy as he has had cows milk and egg from 6 months old, the majority of his meals are home cooked and I haven't introduced anything new recently. I'm praying to God it isn't teething as he only has two teeth through at the moment.

He has been losing weight and I can't believe he is getting and nutrition from his food as it is going straight through him. I have spoken with my HV and we have agreed that if he looses weight again this week we will gang up on the gp. He's so skinny it makes me want to cry!

Mostly, I am fed up. Ds hates being on his back and having clothes put over his head so the additional nappy changes are ending in screaming because he just doesn't want to be there. He is constantly having leaky nappies despite a change in brand and my bathroom sink always has some item of clothing soaking in it to stop the poo staining. I'm also starting to panic that he won't last five minutes in nursery as they will not tolerate the constant loose poos.

Just wondering if anyone has had anything similar and can provide some advice!

My son had a very nasty bout if GE after a holiday to Egypt last June - GP eventually told us to avoid dairy for 2 weeks as the bug can make their guts sensitive for a short while after & drag the diarrhoea out longer, even if they neve had an issue previously! It made a massive difference. We also gave pro-biotic powders.

Unfortunately for us though our son has had a permanently runny tummy ever since! Not as acute as the initial bout but still never quite right. Saw a specialist last week who said that just happens with some kids after particularly nasty bugs and we just have to wait for him to grow out of it! Hope your little one gets better very soon though!
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Sorry to hear youre little one is still suffering with it!

I could try cutting out dairy for a bit, does it matter that his formula is cows milk based though? Thanks for the tips, i'll try anything!
I'm only just seeing this chuck. Cut out all dairy from all food and drinks and move to a soy based or goats milk formula. It can take up to 6 weeks for dairy to leave the system so you may need to persevere with it. Also, get a stool sample to your GP cus they'll run tests for some allergies there and you can also request a referral to paeds for a full allergy test.

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