Long luteal phase??


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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My cervix is open, I have enough ewcm to sink a small dinghy and I have what feels like über mild period pain on the left - looks like I'm ovulating or may be.
So, if I am then a) this will be my shortest cycle for 14 cycles as today is CD16 and going on the average lp of 14 days that would be a 30 day cycle (average has been 37 days) OR
b) I have a much longer luteal phase.
Is this possible? And if so, what would the repercussions of a long lp be???
Thanks girls x
Where are all the experts??? Don't make me google!! ;) x
Hey honey, just back from dinner at the in laws :) I'm not sure what a long LP would mean but it's entirely possible you're having a 30 day cycle. Have you been taking epo or ac lately? My cycles vary from 27 days (albeit not very often, maybe 3 times in the 2 and a bit years i've been off the pill) to 43 days although it hasn't been that long for a while. Sometimes mother nature surprises you :eh: It's good news anyway, get bd'ing! lol xxx
:yay: thanks for replying :)
I haven't taken anything at all to change my cycle. I suppose it could be a shorter cycle (I'd be made up if that was the case) but it would be the first since 2010, you never know though eh xxx
hey hun, have you taken an opk to see if its positive?? Sounds like you are def ovulating so make sure you BD tonight.

From what I know of LH phases, up to 17 days is still classed within the normal range so I would'nt worry to much about it chick you could just be having a shorter cycle .... now go and get baby making!!! ;)
I haven't got any!!! :(

I can fit my finger tip into my cervix (sorry tmi) which is high and definite loads of ewcm. I also have aches in my ovaries which I've never had before.
This must be ov mustn't it? xx
FX you get your BFP in 14 days time or even if AF comes at least it's a shorter cycle, less time to wait to try next month (that's how I look at it). I'm going solo this month, no opks so I'll not know when I'm ov, kinda nervous about it tbh! Just bd'ing every few days and hoping for the best!! xxx
Good luck ladies, I'm off to bd, back in 15 mins lol ;) xx
haha have fun doll, hope you get knocked up! :dance:
Still loads of ewcm today, don't want to bd again though - too near to ov possibly, could make a boy baby so holding off now x

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