Evening. I have read somewhere that if you have longer than average cycles (45+ days) then there is a chance you are not actually ovulating and a bleed is the result of shedding a heavy lining rather than ovulation. Is this true? Iv had long/irregular periods for years and for a time took provera if I didn't have one for 3 months. I was quietly concerned this might result in difficulty conceiving but after a 'provera period' last year I fell pregnant and thought nothing more of it - other than I had either been lucky with timings or actually there was never anything to worry about. I never thought that the provera may have had an impact on this but now in wondering if it might have done? Now ttc no2 and still have issues - my little girl is one and I've only had two periods since she was born. I've started using th ovulation strips but if my cycles are so long again then I have no idea when to start testing apart from every day. Im wondering if I should go to the docs about taking provera more regularly if that might be the issue but just wondered if anyone else had any experience or more info on this that they could share?