Little Worried - cannot find heartbeat anymore

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hi Everyone

I'm Just after a little advice I bought a hi bebe 200 LCD doppler when i was 10 wks and after a little practice managed to pick up the babys heartbeat it was always around 167 is speed. But the last few times i've tried (and i'm now 13 weeks 1 day) i cannot seem to find it i've tried everywhere and only moving doppler really slowely. I've tred everything i can think of (lying in new positions, more gel, less gel, starting at pubic bone starting at belly button, starting at hip etc etc) but i just cannot find it. I managed to pick up a beat of around 80 beats but am i right in thinking this definetly isn't the baby's or if it is it is not heathly.

Also can you damage the placenta or uterus by using a doppler do you think. I'm worried i've caused this somehow. Or am i just being silly.

I know it might be nothing but am just a little worried now so wondered if anyone could advise.

OH hon im sure it's fine!
Idont have a doppler but ive heard there not always 100%.
Baby may be hiding giving mummy bit of a scare. Have you had your 12 week scan yet? If you our stll worried tommorow ring your midwife
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Your little one might just be hiding. Its still really small, so it could be easy to miss. I hired a doppler from 16 weeks to 20 and I couldnt find the baby for a few days and I totally freaked out. So I know how you feel.

My midwife doesnt use a the doppler before 16 weeks as she said the chances of missing the heartbeat and causing unessersary stress is high. If your worried give your midwife a call.
dont worry hun, it is really hard to find heartbeat sometimes as babies love to hide! Your little one is still incy wincy like Rachel says and will be very low down. Maybe if your placenta is in the way too this can make it extremely difficult to find the hb even when they're big :)

Im 29 weeks pregnant and still struggle to find it - it took me nearly an hour last night and it was in a totally different place from last time!

Im sure your fine!!
Whenever anyone I know buys I doppler I always warn them about this... they are a nice little fun gadget but that's it! Don't worry about it.
The midwife at the hospital had a job finding my baby's heartbeat on monday and im 30 wks, so i would worry about it. :hug:

I bought a doppler when i was about 16 wks and ive never been able to find it, so that was a waste of money for me :roll:
i never bought a paranoid enough as it is. If i couldnt fins the heartbeat straight away id be in bits :shock: Its bad enough having the internet, i can look uo every ache and pain and symptom i have.....too much info is BAD :x makes me worry more, lol.
ive never owned one as id be the biggest worrier if i couldnt find it.
im sure baby is perfectly happy all snuggled up somewhere :)
manda xx
You can pick up your own heartbeat with the Doppler, along with the sound of your placenta working away. That makes a whooshing sound.

It may be also you have your placenta at the front, so it makes it a bit harder to detect baby, especially if baby is playing hide and seek.

I only got a Doppler when I turned 15 weeks as I was worried about getting one sooner and then panicking myself if I didn't hear anything. So I held off.

I still even now have to take a bit of time to find LO's heartbeat, as often although Baby is higher now, the heartbeat seems to be detectable lower down. I was almost down on my pubic bone last night to listen, and right over to one side :roll:

Also it seems many babies don't like the Doppler so tend to move away from it or kick against it. My LO kicks hard if the Doppler stays longer than 20 or so seconds. So once I find the heartbeat, I have a quick listen with Hubby then turn it off. Often also Baby starts to move away and it goes faint or disappears.
In early second tri I was always losing babys heartbeat with the doppler. They move around so much it can be in totally different places on different days. Can you hear the swishing noise of the placenta? I always found the placenta much easier to find than the actual baby.

If you're worried definately contact your midwife, the odds are though that it's just baby being small and hiding :hug: :hug:
hi. try not to worry... im 17 weeks and i still struggle finding it sometimes!

espesh if ive recently eaten!

hope everythings ok... xxxx
Oooh! The times when I couldn't find the HB! Stress!

Your baby will be hiding. If you don't hear anything after about 5 minutes, grab yourself a cold drink, coke, ice lolly or something and have a little jump up and down on the spot (carefully) LOL. That's what I always did to get it to move and then managed to find it.

This is why MW's hate us having home dopplers as we tend to get more anxious when we can't find the HB straight away. Mine basically said the same thing to me this morning again when it was mentioned.

Oh, and I have the Hi-Bebe 200 too!

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