Totally demolished the clear blues to get a better look and make sure nothing was "behind" the pee pee stick, actually managed to get MUCH better photos this time, but honestly I think it's evaps on both (take it that's normal to get evaps on all blue tests?).
All last night and today have had seriously bad cramping alternating from one side to the next and had to poo twice since last night (sorry TMI). Still no sign of any bleeding but definitely feel like AF is on her way. Been WAY cranky today and very tired, achy but not sore boobs and they feel fuller just like before AF so honestly think she's coming to get me.
Still waiting on IC's arriving but they should be here tomorrow and just so everyone knows, I cannot find ANYWHERE near me that sells FRER, just the same day period ones.
But have a look anyhow, it's more clear on this photo that they are just evaps imho xxxxx
Bottom stick is the one I showed you all last night and the top one is FMU from today.