Despite all the baby books I read I was totally unprepared for the 'let down' thing after the birth of my son.
Heavy sore boobs oozing milk was not fun....but then again, these things are for baby's benefit not mine so its a case of just having to get on with it.
All sorts would trigger it crying, feed time due, alarm clock...(im joking about the latter of course...but it was so uncomfortable it felt like everything and anything was setting it off)
It didnt help expressing milk (being the 'try to be efficient and always have a spare drink on hand' type I was) as just even seeing the expressing pump would set it off.
Looking back, all I recall soggy or milk-crusted breastpads stuck to me...peeling them off me in disgust and wanting my boobies to be discomfort-free again.
Im sure other people dont have such a negative memories...I just found the whole breast feeding thing a nightmare to get the hang of and deal with.