Late ovulation or early pregnancy?


Nov 29, 2016
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Hi everyone! I'm new here, as my husband and I have just started TTC this month.

I have a question. My cycles always last between 27 and 32 days. Usually I can always tell by my cervical fluid when I am ovulating, but this month I didn't have as much as usual - although around day 14 I did have eggwhite-like fluid. On that day and the day before, my husband I decided to DTD. I have noticed an increasing amount of creamy, milky fluid for about a week now. Yesterday though, on day 22, I noticed a bit of stretchy, eggwhite-like fluid again and even more today!

Can anyone tell me what is going on? Could this be and early sign if pregnancy or am I ovulating later than ever?
Hi everyone! I'm new here, as my husband and I have just started TTC this month.

I have a question. My cycles always last between 27 and 32 days. Usually I can always tell by my cervical fluid when I am ovulating, but this month I didn't have as much as usual - although around day 14 I did have eggwhite-like fluid. On that day and the day before, my husband I decided to DTD. I have noticed an increasing amount of creamy, milky fluid for about a week now. Yesterday though, on day 22, I noticed a bit of stretchy, eggwhite-like fluid again and even more today!

Can anyone tell me what is going on? Could this be and early sign if pregnancy or am I ovulating later than ever?

It was a pregnancy sign for me, I had creamy from ovulation then ewcm few days before af. Good luck, frer are the best test to get, they give early results so you can test a couple of days before your period is due. x
It was a pregnancy sign for me, I had creamy from ovulation then ewcm few days before af. Good luck, frer are the best test to get, they give early results so you can test a couple of days before your period is due. x
Oh thank you so much for sharing! I've been feeling strange but haven't wanted to get my hopes up. I've just been thinking: Either my cycle is super weird (even though it's usually super normal) or I got pregnant on our first try. I should know for sure in about a week!
That was a pregnancy sign for me too! Fingers crossed for you x
Iv had the same, convinced I ovulated CD 12/13 but still getting thin clear stretchy CM and yesterday CD 19 (sorry TMI) I had a big blob of really thick EWCM when I wiped followed by creamy CM! Not sure of my cycle length as only been off the pill a month, so just using the average of 28 days! Iv also had lots of AF the cramps the past few days! Fingers crossed all of these are a good sign
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Funny enough, everything seems to have dried up today. Wondering if that's a good sign as well or not..?
Please keep us updated becks1981!
I had that as a symptom too. I googled stretchy white mucus since I thought it was weird! So yes, it could be a positive sign! Fx! :dust:
Did anyone ever receive a BFP after having EWCM after ovulation and then a few dry days?
Don't know if this is all in my head, but just had a cup of tea and suddenly starting feeling nauseous and was sick a little...surely this is not a sign...I'm only possibly 7 DPO!!!
I've heard again and again that symptoms can start as early as implantation, so maybe it is a sign :)
AF still hasn't arrived, but neither has a BFP. I'm starting to think I really did O on CD 23 or 24. So strange for me.

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