You may be one of the lucky ones. My morning sickness, or should I say all day and night sickness only kicked in a few weeks ago. So it may still be on its way.
Yes!! Was so worried that I have been feeling absolutely fine and the little symptoms I did have started to go, my midwife sent me for a scan. Had a mmc and that's a sign, but Low and behold everything was fine. I was completely gobsmacked! Try not to worry. You are about 5 weeks so I think u will get some cramping feelings as things are embedding etc so should be ok. X
I HAD this earlier on when I found out. And I wished for more symptoms, now i'm nine weeks and have sickness, migraines, cramps, discharge, heartburn and sore boobs. Don't wish for it, it sounds normal
I know it's hard not to worry but the only symptom I've had is nausea and sometimes being sick. I'm now 14 weeks and no symptoms at all I don't even feel pregnant you may just be a lucky one plus there's time yet for your symptoms to come xx
Enjoy it whilst it lasts Lol! I was the same as you only had cramps and boobs slightly sore then bang at around 7 weeks i started feeling sick i was only mild and now its all day everyday really suffer at work some days . I can't wait for it to end ive been sick about 4 -5 times in total .
I know a few ladies who had no symptoms at all. In fact a friend of mine who recently gave birth to her son only got hit with morning sickness at 32 weeks Other than that she had no symptoms really!
they say sickness starts at 6 weeks for most ladies but everyone is diff...i have had the slightly tender breasts the odd nausea the cramps omw have been horrible but seem less now i had a scan on fri an im 7 weeks saw ikkle baby heartbeat..everyone is different no symptoms isnt bad news you could be one of the lucky ones lol xx
Huge congrats again, and if it helps any, apart from sore boobs,being tired all the time and the odd twinge I didnt feel a single proper symptom until I felt baby fluttering. No sickness, nausea, bizarre cravings, nothing!
I'm exactly the same! I'm 4+6 with sore boobs and the odd twinge, but otherwise all ok so far. Oh and peeing like a racehorse.
I'm only hoping that it lasts!
Hiya, I'm also lacking symptoms except tiredness and cramps. My boobs are a tiny bit sore but nothing major. I've read that most people's symptoms don't kick in until about 6 weeks. I'm sure when we've got our heads in the toilet bowl constantly, we'll be wishing for these symptom free days again.
Hey ladies. Sorry for tri hopping!
Im 36+5 today. Tri one, I didnt feel pregnant at all, no morning sickness, tiredness or anything at all.
Tri 2 I started feeling tired more and obviously started growing a bump but I still didnt believe I was pregnant until my 20 week scan. Right up to tri 3, I still felt great, the only signs were the kicking bump and the leaky boobs! Now in tri 3, I have a few aches and pains but still to this day ive not been sick or felt sick or had the painful boobs or anything! Make the most of being a lucky one xx
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