Lack of movement - 18 weeks


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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Hi all,

I will be 18 weeks tomorrow and I have not really felt baby move yet.
Felt a few pops at around 13 weeks and then a definite feeling that they turned over about 2 weeks ago and not alot since. I get the occasional feeling like someone is flicking me with a thumb and finger inside my tummy - but it's barely noticeable so not sure if that is baby or not?!

Should I be worried that I have not felt much yet?

My friend has been getting kicked to hell since she was 17 weeks and even my mum thought it was weird I have not felt much yet :(
I really wouldn't worry at all, a lot of people don't feel anything until 24 weeks. You might have your placenta at the front which would muffle any movement. Really, please don't worry. When is your scan? Xx
Thanks ladies, my 20 week scan is two weeks tomorrow, just feeling a bit scared x
I wouldnt worry at all, placenta could be in way, i never felt definate movement until 20 weekishx
I haven't felt a thing and I'm 18 + 2! Please do not worry, I'm not xxx
Don't worry Hun, like the other ladies have said. You'll start feeling baby before u know it xx
Echo the other ladies, it is still early days!

I have an anterior placenta, and the movement I feel is still sporadic at 22 weeks. Some days it is really strong, other days I feel hardly anything. At my 20 week scan, baby was jumping around all over the place, and I couldn't feel a thing!
Pretty much what everyone's said so far. Nothing to worry about at 18 weeks. I think I felt a couple of "flutters" at that point last time, but only really starting feeling proper kicks around 22 weeks or so. xx
Can only echo what everyone's said. I'm nearly 20 weeks and still just getting flutters x

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