labour and delivery tv programme


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
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im just sitting watching this at the moment and there is a lady on it who went into labour while high on herion and cocaine. she gave birth to a gorg wee girl its her 6th child which she will have taking off her the same as the rest. just before she left the hospital she was offered the depo injection and she refused it. you would think that they would be able to make her have it or she would have the sense to have it so she wouldn t all pregnant again.

the wee girl was born at 34 weeks she has escaped withdrawl symptoms which is good.

do you think hospitals should be able to make people like this go on some kind of contraception to stop them from having kids?
Its a sad state of affairs i think, but thank the lord that the baby was born healthy and will be loved by someone who is unable to have children of their own. Its a tough one about the contraception, i suppose its a persons human right to refuse things. xx
I've worked in a hospital in the past as a medical secretary (temp job, not brilliant but was very interesting) in neo-natal paediatrics and saw a LOT of cases like this and it's heartbreaking :cry: It does completely make you wonder why someone doesn't just "slip a contraceptive" in there somewhere but it's illegal - and unfortunately changing that one rule would lead us into a whole new and scarily Fascist way of living...

However, irrespective of how sensible it sounds that "people like this" should be "given" a contraceptive injection, or similar, due to the nature of the birth and the irresponsibility of the person who has been high on drugs time after time, and hence keeps "popping out children" (lucky that last child wasn't dependent...seeing a premature baby on heroin is truly disturbing), forcing someone to be, effectively, prevented from having a baby is only a step away from government enforced removal of even more of our civil liberties (we have very few left)

Saying doesn't mean I disagree with you :rofl: Frankly, I would quite happily vaccinate a large proportion of society against being able to bear children but that's a tad on the "dictatorial/Stalinist/Fascist/*insert nasty oppressive government here" side of things :rofl:

I have a very set way of thinking about how this sort of situation should be handled, and it isn't a "touchy feely" socialist way of thinking that I used to be known for. No government help, nothing. I actually think that the support network provided by our government needs a complete overhaul, and we should mimic the German model of a welfare state. It makes MUCH more sense.

I won't keep on but it is a subject I do feel rather strongly about :rofl: Not that you'd know...
Go Toffee :lol:

it is a toss up between child protection and civil liberties.... a toughie, but u would have thought that child protection would be more paramount
It is, really, as they take away the children at birth. On one particular case file I handled when working at the hospital (careful not to give away locations details etc) the heroin addict woman was being forced to "try and get pregnant" so that they could SELL her babies once they were born :cry: The things that she'd do for drugs....

Of course, the babies are so well protected that not only was she not even allowed to see them, they were instantly taken to care and transferred to other hospitals for care if their health allowed it.

It's people like her "pimp" that should be strung up...sounds like something out of a film, eh? It was horrendous :(
Its so sad. I've heard of cases where mothers have many children taken into care. Its really hard for social services to take a baby away, they seem to have to leave the child there to proove they are being neglected and one at a time take them away. Its ridiculous!

My brother has this idea that the government should offer a free bottle of vodka in exchange for sterilisation. Its not forced then, but anyone irresponsible enough to take them up on it shouldnt be having children anyway! His other 'prize' idea was free downlighters on your car. lol

I agree that you cant force someone to have a contraceptive injection. Although when you consider in some cases the amount of money social services spend 'supporting the family' and eventually taking children into care, then the cost of care, not to mention the devistating long term effects on the lives of these kids, it makes you wonder.
its heartbreaking when a woman doesnt care about handing over the child she has carried for 8/9 months... its disturbing that it doesnt effect her one way or another. i know shes on drugs but my god has she no sense?? at least that child was born uneffected but what about the next???? there are too many people on this earth and forum lol ttc that would love and care for a baby its just not fair!!! :( xx
Totally agree with you all - it's ridiculous, it's damaging not only to society as a whole on SO many levels, and not fair on the child being brought into the world. One can only hope that they are off to better families to lead a better possible life but I have also heard awful, awful first-hand stories of those who have been brought up in foster care/adoptive care and it's not always roses either :( It breaks my heart.

Especiall as Lisa said, there are so many who would LOVE a child to look after properly, to love and cherish and just can't have, that it does tend to make one sick when this sort of thing goes on.

One of my favourite ideas was contraceptives being put into certain brands of foods :wink: but that's just my extremist, dictatorial (and sometimes inner snob:rofl:) side coming out!
I think it should be made a criminal offence - its basically abuse and neglect on so many levels, if a baby is viable at 24 weeks then why the hell are they not given protection? I think this should include smoking, the lasting damage it causes is awful to some people who have to live with asthma etc. In Australia the Aboriginal people have a low tolerance to alcohol which is why there is such a vast problem with alcohol in their communities. So many babies are born with foetal alcohol syndrome its just appalling - Ive seen it with my own eyes. I cant see the difference between forcing a newborn to smoke or breath in toxic fumes and smoking whilst pregnant - the only difference is that the baby is on the inside where no-one can see it - out of sight, out if mind? It should be a huge prick to society's conscience.
yeah I agree with you. Aparently until the baby is born it is considered part of the mother's body and therefore she has the right to do what she sees fit! Its ridiculous, Ive worked with children with foetal alcohol syndrome and its heartbreaking to think this was inflicted on them for no fault of their own.
What is fetal alcohol syndrome? Sorry to be thick but i dunno what it is xx
When the mother drinks during pregnancy the alcohol affects the brain development. Its not a genetic syndrome ...Ive taken a quote of effects from a website; Babies are too small, underweight, have slack muscle tone, typical facial anomolies include:- Thin upper lip, low nasal bridge, fold on inner eyelid, flat midface, short nose, indistinct Philtrum ( The ridge between upper lip and nose is barely visable) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects also causes:- Permanent brain damage from mental ******ation through to severe mental handicaps. Microcephalie, Speech impediments, Hyperactivity, Heart and Eye disorders, Genital deformities, behavioural problems (Autismus, agressiveness, impaired social skills) and more.......

Its a recognised syndrome which can be a childs diagnosis.

Its very sad :(
bloody hell!! Its only for 9 month (or 15 in my case lol) why can't ladies lay off the pop!!! xx
What about them women who didn't know they were pregnant, there babies turn out ok. Is it a hit and miss type of thing? xx
I think if you drink alcohol at certain stages of foetal development it has different effects, doesnt the embryo have its own yolk sac before the placenta is formed? So many if you drin kearly on when its not sharing your blood its okay? not really sure to behonest.
It is indeed.. Do any of you remember the story of the young teen girl a few years back who took heroin for the first time in a night club toilet when she was practically due.. Made me feel sick.. The wee baby died :( And the mother was found collapsed on the bathroom floor and was left in a vegatative state.. She only recently passed away.. Her poor mother should have had a grandchild and daughter at home with her and now she's left on her own.. It baffles me trying to understand why anyone would put their baby at any risk at all :(
8 months pregnant is probably not the best time to be experimenting with drugs. Just goes to show this girl was not mature enough to be pregnant, and therefore not mature enough to be having sex. sigh. what can you do about these kids eh?!
I know Tiny, I had a dream I was drunk last night and woke up in a fluster overcome with guilt at the idea of it.. I just don't understand how someone could do something like that.. Heroin too.. One of the most addictive drugs out there, you would be a mug to try it at all nevermind when pregnant

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