

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
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Not a body part you'd expect to be affected by pregnancy, but I wondered if anyone had had trouble with their knees. I damaged my right knee a few years back when running, and it occasionally gives me grief in damp weather and if I walk too far. However, the past few weeks, it's been really painful at night. It feels swollen and tender, yet during the day I don't seem to have any problems (only if I bend it at a funny angle as you'd expect). Could pregnancy somehow be aggravating my old injury? Just seems weird to be suffering at night when there's no weight on it :/

I'm having similar issues surprisingly. I dislocated my right knee a few years back (approx 5) and its similar to what you said, plays up in cold weather normally however past few days, its been aching as I walk downstairs, similar pains to when it was originally healing. Sadly I have no words of wisdom or advice, I just wanted you to know you're not alone with it and I'd be interested to see what others say too. =\ xx
No idea if its pregnancy related but since becoming pregnant my right knee had randomly clicked on 3 separare occassions and when it happens it almost feels as if the bones are grinding together for rest of the day and then goes away again for weeks on end! Its very random! I've never had problems with my knees before but I've put on over a stone- ill be 22 weeks tomorrow- so just presumed that maybe it was the extra weight! I have no idea though! My fiances dad is a doctor so I should prob ask him but I'm guessing he will say to rest it which is tricky when I work with 3 year olds lol! Hope both your knees feel better soon :) x
They say that every stone you carry extra is like the equivilant of 3 extra stone on your back and 4 on your knees, so if you have an old injury and have put even a little ammount of weight on then it is likely to aggrivate it. If could possibly have something to do with your ligaments being soften to prepare your body for being able to carry a giant baby and give birth to it, but I think it is probably more down to an increase in weight.
Ah ok. I've gained a little under half a stone (well, last time i checked but I've sprouted s bit since then!) So would explain it
So i have spent years playing sport with a knee that used to dislocate and then if i could unlock it it would be goo againbut ache for several days after and be more susceptible for those days to doing it again.

Now in pregnancy the aching is a warning sign for me, it is always worse because the hormone relaxin is produced and for me( i have week or stretchy ligaments, during third preg damaged wrist! Ended up in a cast and have had ankle oped on when younger). You need to be careful not to over extend knees and listen to the warnings of your body.

I found that the big thing for me was to avoid sleeping onthe wrong side. If its knees that dislocate then sleep whichever side in bed so that the bad knee is resting on inside ( inside of your knee/ leg facing onto matress) if its resting on the outside side on knee joint/ leg then it seems to allow the ligaments to drop in sleep and i have woken up dislocated before and stuck.

Try it,it makes allthe difference to prevent
Hello! Just wanted to say that I was at pregnancy yoga class last night (which is run by a midwife) and one of the ladies there had a knee problem and the midwife said it could def be pregnancy related as (and i'm sure someone else has already mentioned this) ligaments in this area can soften and cause discomfort, sorry I can't offer any advice about how to relieve the pain but just wanted to let you know what I heard...hope it eases off for you soon, x

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