Kissing newborn worries! General anxiety


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2018
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Who here had reservations / anxieties about people holding or trying to kiss your newborn? I suffer from generalised anxiety disorder and have a family especially a select 2 or 3 immediate members with no respect for my boundaries.
There is one who passed herpes on to her own daughter (unsure if through birth or not) and i just know if i say no kissing she will just try to annoy me - I personally think she is borderline pd! She gets outbreaks around her mouth. I know most people have it but makes me nervous.
I was going to have it a rule no holding baby but i just think it is likely my anxieties doing this! I also don't want people walking about with her and will make sure everyone washes hands etc..
Am I just having bouts of anxiety or is it normal to feel like this? I've had cold sores before but rarely. My husband and MIL get them more than me!
Any advice appreciated!
Who here had reservations / anxieties about people holding or trying to kiss your newborn? I suffer from generalised anxiety disorder and have a family especially a select 2 or 3 immediate members with no respect for my boundaries.
There is one who passed herpes on to her own daughter (unsure if through birth or not) and i just know if i say no kissing she will just try to annoy me - I personally think she is borderline pd! She gets outbreaks around her mouth. I know most people have it but makes me nervous.
I was going to have it a rule no holding baby but i just think it is likely my anxieties doing this! I also don't want people walking about with her and will make sure everyone washes hands etc..
Am I just having bouts of anxiety or is it normal to feel like this? I've had cold sores before but rarely. My husband and MIL get them more than me!
Any advice appreciated!
personally i think if they didn't have any at the time then maybe is OK? But if they had one at the time its a no no! my Mum and Nan get them and wont kiss me at all if they have one, so i believe they would do the same when my one arrives. but when they don't they do kiss me like on the cheek or whatever when greeting or saying goodbye and ive never got one of them if they didn't have an active one if this makes sense.
holding my baby on the other hand i believe its important for all family members to bond with the baby so i wouldn't ever say they couldn't hold baby, unless they had been drinking for example which is rare in my family but other half's is more common so would slightly be more weary in the evenings around certain member's
No kissing baby here either. My mum would suffer cold sores and shes really aware off the dangers. She wouldn't dream off it.
I'm happy to have visitors cuddle baby but il be leaving a little antibacterial gel rub out in front off them.
This is baby 3 for us. So hype of first baby is gone and any babies after seems less visitors so I'm expecting less with this baby and I'm happy with that to be honest..
just to say my mum and nan are the only examples i gave as i believe they would only be the ones that would try. and i wouldn't let anyone else try to
I told everyone they're not to kiss my new baby because of germs. No one had a problem with it. I didn't make a rule of it but wouldn't let anyone walk away with her, only MIL tried to do that though. MIL held DD twice and both times left the room, it really pissed me off, so I didn't let her hold her again (she lives on the other side of the world so only visited once when DD was small). Do what you want, stuff everyone else. Your baby, not theirs.

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