Kiara Cassidy Miller is here!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well i got induced at 11 am and was still 1cm, then by around 5 was only 4cm so they brokemy waters again and in two hours jumped to 9 and a half centimeters, where i stayed at for 4 hours and by then still hadnt gone the last half. Kiara was not comming out and i had gone this far with only gas since i didnt want an epidural.. well the doctors started whispering then said i has to have an emergency c-section, which i then cried cuz i was so scared to have one and ddint want a needle.
Had four nurses hold me down to give me the epidural shot.
My baby who was suppost to be 7-8 pounds was 9 pounds 6 ounces, and had a head cm bigger then i was which is why she would have never come out, and her head was also tilted so the biggest part was the one tryin to come out.
Thery couldnt get over how well i did with no drugs until the section.
Was suppost to get out tomorrow but i was doing great feeding and havent been able to sleep in the ebds there so they decided they would let me out.
I am on alot of medicine i can barely see the keys right now.... so if this makes no sence i will fix it whenim more aware of what im doing.
Just thought that ide let you know that were both ok and healthy, and i will post pics soon.
I never ever want to gothrough a c-section as im in the ost pain ive ever been in and thank god i have bernie whos been waiting on me hand and foot.
Congrats to everyone who had there babies.
Kiara Cassidy Miller was born 1125pm on Monday by emergency c-section.
I cant remember if i wrote this but thanks agian i prob dont mae any sence so ill just go for now and write all the details later.
Awwwwww would like to be the first to congratulate you on the birth of Kiara. Well done you!!!!
looking forward to pics!! xxxx
awww congratulations hun xxxxxxxxxx
Big congrats and well done it sounds very traumatic! Glad u r both well though
congratulations - sounds like u didnt have it easy babe - least she is here now - i cant wait to see pics
lots of love sarah and braydon
tlk to u on msn sometime xx
YAY!!! Well done.

P.S. "I want some of what she's on" LOL
CONGRATS to all of you, and well done to you
take care xx

Well done you!! i had a c-section too so can sympathise with the pain....its awful!

Hope you recover soon

Steph x
Biggest congratulations and can't wait to see piccies!

Well done for surviving so well on gas and air! You are an inspiration!

Hope I cope as well as you did!

Great news babe!
Hey kat ..


Really pleased for you ... glad everything turned out ok in the end, wish you wern't in so much pain tho!!!

Least your both back home so you can rest, take it easy .... CONGRATS!!! again..

Love Imogen + Bean
Well done you !!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Congratulations, I hope your recovery is a quick one.

Take it easy and get lots of rest.

love julie
Thanks ladies!!!!!
its 531am woke up for a feed three hours ago and shes finally back to sleep.. have her in my arms right now.
i feel loads better today, last night i had the shakes and felt awful i could barely even talk. lol
So happy to be home though and finally have her with us.
My poor dog got so nervous he pucked abd looks reallyt ill, i feel so bad, but hes good with her just gets scared when she cries.
I should be able to post some pics by monday .
Well im gonna have a nap since Kiara is sleepin and i will try and get on here when i have a spare second.
Thank you to everyone whos been there for me during my preg and hopefully all us new moms wont lose touch. :D
Katrina and baby Kiara
Well done Katrina, thats great news. Sorry you had to have a cs but the pain goes soon. I couldnt help but look at the folks in my ward who had tears and cuts and think that I got the better deal.

Look forward to seing the pics


Another baby Boom happening :D

Can't wait to see some pretty pics :)
Congrats hun!!!!!

nearly had the same birthdays, missed each other by a couple of hours lol

hope your recovering well

Congratulations hunnie!!!! Well done, can't beleive how big she was!

Can't wait to see her pictures. xxx
Big congratulations and well done! I only had gas and air too, that stuff is great really worked for me.

Hope you feel better soon enjoy your little girl, I cant believe how fast the first 2 weeks have gone already x
Congratulations Katrina, hope you recover soon from the c-section.

Can't wait to see some pics of the little one.

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