keep letting it slip!

Vicki & Nathan

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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i had a sexing scan done a few weeks ago and apart from me its only my sis in law who knows what it is.
trouble is im finding it harder than i thought to keep it to myself ive been told ive let things slip 3 times already! :shock:
i didnt realise i said anything but they all say ive said 'him' a few times
not long now just got to try and watch what i say :shhh:
no he doesnt want to know he wants it as a surprise
its me whos the impatient one :lol:
It must be a nightmare to not let it slip you'd better through in a couple of her's to balance things up.

Also I hope Daddy doesn't see your signature before bubs arrives :D
wow how on earth do you do it?

Me and my OH are always talking about the baby and we don't call her it any more we call her she. When you talk about the baby with your OH do you call him he or it?
I know how you feel!

Everyone knows we are having a boy but we have had a name for him for months. And when we are alone we talk to him and refer to him by his name.

We have let it slip a few times but luckily no one has noticed yet!!

i just say 'them' i dont like calling him 'it' but then when i say it in front of other people they assume them means theres more than 1 :lol:
ha ha, i used to say 'preanut' before we knew the sex.

I hated saying 'it' so we called him peanut as he looked like one at his 7 week scan.

People still say peanut to us no but he is more like a bunch of bloomin coconuts in there now, lol!

it was only me who wanted to know the sex, i know what colour to buy although ive been banned from clothes shopping when im with family so anything i do buy gets hidden at my sis in laws house

aww hun not long to go lets hope you dont slip up :D
I could never do it ide be so excited saying he/she ect :lol:
my OH said he has an idea what it is but he wont ask me if hes right he wants to wait :D
Statistically people who don't know what they are having tend to say "him" rather than "her" automatically (so the midwife told me around week 10 of my pregnancy!) so you can always just say something like "oh him, her, baby - how do I know" if anyone ever does pick you up on it!
the first time i said it i did realise i said it. i had to go to the docs to get blood test results and they wanted me to go to hosp to go on one of those monitors and i came out of the room into the waiting to my mum and said 'they want me to go to hosp so they can monitor him'
oops :lol:
Just pass it off as choosing to say 'him' rather than 'it'.

We called ours 'Snuggle' before finding out the sex then changed to 'Maddison' or 'Madds' when we found out she was a girl :D

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