Just very sad.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
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I'm probably ovulating tomorrow, and should be excited, or at least happy. But I'm sad. Very sad. Anyone else sad?

Bumps shouldn't make me sad. Small clothes shouldn't make me sad. They do. I am. Sad sad sad.

Someone take the piss out of me before I wallow too far...
:( it's a hormonal time (I get really low before OV)

And of course little bumps and clothes make you said. I still struggle to look at little girl clothes and my daughter was born still 5 years ago xx

Be kind to you
It's ok to feel sad. How long have you been ttc? I get sad when AF arrives and I don't like seeing baby clothes either, just reminds me that I'm not pregnant yet. Keep fighting! Or take a break if it's too emotional right now. You know what you need better than I would know.
Oh CNM I can't cope for you to be sad. You are the comedienne that keeps me sane when I am sad.

Get your baby dancing pants on (well, off) and get in the sack.

Sad is okay for a little while but you will be a bump, and you will be buying small clothes for said bump. The one nice thing about TTC is that it is all there to look forward to and when others have babies who are grown up we will still be enjoying the small clothes and magic Christmases.

It is going to happen it's just a massive massive ball ache that it isn't happening right now. And I am with you on that. Am always up for a rant or a moan with you, you funny clever lady xxxx
Ohh CNM :hugs: ttc is so hard and so disappointing, it's ok to feel sad about it sometimes. Try to keep your chin up, get hubby into bed and bonking! :hugs:

Uurgh, you lovely people made me laugh and cry at the same time. I had no idea that it could be a hormonal thing, I feel slightly less pathetic now!

Thank you for your wise words, I will get to bonking asap. I really needed my cyberhugs though, thank you!

Elsa, you remind me so much of one of my friends, who happens to live in Cardiff. You don't have a chinchilla called Clive, do you?!
Don't ever feel pathetic.. We all have the sad days. I'm a mad woman within a few days of waiting for my period to come and then sink into depression while it's there.

Sadly, I don't have a chinchilla called Clive although I might aspire to owing one now you've given me the idea.

Hope you made your bed rock last night xxx
CNM you bring laughter to so many people on here, you're allowed a down day, God knows we all have them. Ive been getting real frustrated with one of my friends this week, she has a newborn and I get constant texts at all times of day and night about the baby, she is utterly obsessed and has no other topic of conversation whatsoever aaand doesn't take a hint when I say I'm finding all this a bit too much as she knows I have been through losses, I had to remind her yesterday when she made another dig about 'baby-less' people that I should have just found out what I would have been having as would have been 16 weeks by now.

I always tell myself I will NEVER be like this when the time comes but you know what, actually I might take comfort in the fact we can be this annoying and frustrating to some other poor soul when it's our turn and all we want to talk about is bumps and small people clothes, and feeding schedules and poop and.... Zzzzz....
Aww coolnomore hope you arent as sad today and have had fun dtd on ov day. I 100% totally completely sympathise with you - all my friends are pregnant...i work with pregnant ladies...i even went away for a few days to get away with hub, sat down to brek - pregnant woman everywhere!!! And to top it off when i got my period and went to buy pads i got a bloody parking ticket - tear.hair.out!!!!
CNM you bring laughter to so many people on here, you're allowed a down day, God knows we all have them. Ive been getting real frustrated with one of my friends this week, she has a newborn and I get constant texts at all times of day and night about the baby, she is utterly obsessed and has no other topic of conversation whatsoever aaand doesn't take a hint when I say I'm finding all this a bit too much as she knows I have been through losses, I had to remind her yesterday when she made another dig about 'baby-less' people that I should have just found out what I would have been having as would have been 16 weeks by now.

I always tell myself I will NEVER be like this when the time comes but you know what, actually I might take comfort in the fact we can be this annoying and frustrating to some other poor soul when it's our turn and all we want to talk about is bumps and small people clothes, and feeding schedules and poop and.... Zzzzz....

Goooood grief! You have more patience than I would in that situation. Bless her, she must be well and truly frazzled, because that is more than a bit off. I'm very sorry for your loss. I can't fathom it.

I'd really like to think that I won't torment people with the ins and outs of bumpdom when (if?!) the time comes, but we all know I'll be the maddest, most selfish and baby-orientated Mum possible. Can't friggin wait.
all my friends are pregnant...i work with pregnant ladies...i even went away for a few days to get away with hub, sat down to brek - pregnant woman everywhere!!! And to top it off when i got my period and went to buy pads i got a bloody parking ticket - tear.hair.out!!!!

Aww, that's really tough! The witch is cruel and unforgiving!
Sadly, I don't have a chinchilla called Clive although I might aspire to owing one now you've given me the idea.

Well, that means there's two of you out there, and that cheers me immensely!
CNM, you're a hoot! I hope you're feeling better today lovely :hugs:


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