Just popped in...


Nov 8, 2007
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Heard there have been people asking after us so thought I should get my bum into gear and actually post a proper update... click here to see a reply on strangerness's post.

Hope everyone is well and lots of new faces I see!

sami x
Hi Sami :wave:

Only just came back on the forum myself. Sorry to hear your little Scarlett is not well. I had no idea you were pg again thats how long it is since we spoke on the forum.

Lets catch up soon

Lou :D
lovely to hear from you sami can't believe damien is nearly 2 :shock: where has the time gone!! scarlett sounds like a real fighter sounds like you have a lot on your plate though :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: all the best for her gastrostomy hopefully that will make life a bit easier for you with a little less worry, aspiration is very scary, bless her.

take care lisa and luke x x
Thought I should post a little update on how we are doing.
Well shock news to find out we are now expecting baby number 3! 12+1 today and so far had a few problems and they are hoping to get me past 30 weeks this time so fingers crossed. We're having lots more scans and tests this time to find out if the baby has brain or other abnormalities again but we're hoping for the best.
Scarlett's surgery went well and she looks so much better without the tube on her face. Gastrostomy hads taken some time to get used to but she's doing better especially now she cannot be sick. Still pump fed and nil by mouth as it still ends up in her lungs, no sitting still but is rolling really well. She's been diagnosed with hypotonia now all over (low muscle tone) but will hopefully get there eventually. Will have another MRI in 6 or 7 months to find out the new extent of the brain damage. She is 1 next month though and it's a massive milestone for her.
Damien still a sod to feed and eats very little so he's being referred to a behavioural therapist to help with his feeding issues. His 2nd birthday was fab and he's turned into a little monster since!! Proper devil child!! :lol:

Hope everyone is well. xxx
wow sami, ur adding to ur brood!! wishin u all the best with LO number 3, cant believe how quickly Scarlett turned 1!!! hope things progress well for her and Damien too!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

congrats on your pregnancy

and hoping for the best with all the famz

Congratulations hun
Glad you are all doing well :hug: :hug:
Havent seen you on msn for a while, have you changed your msn addy?
take care hun
congratulations! :D :hug:

give Scarlett and Damien a hug each from me and Alice
hey sami :wave: glad to hear from you hun
huge congrats on new addition hope all goes well
Hey Sami! Congrats on the pregnancy :D You're about a day ahead of me :D Hope all goes well and this baby will hang on past 30 weeks! How are you feeling? Keep us updated, it's always nice to hear how you're getting on :cheer: Can't believe Scarlett is coming up to 1 and Damien is 2 already!

Big congrats on your pregnancy hun wishing you a healthy pregnancy and birth :hug:
Cannot believe how old they both are when did that happen :shock: glad to hear an update from you
Hope to see you around here more :D
omg, i cant believe scarlett is nearly 1 :shock:

congratulations on your pregnancy, i hope you have a very healthy one :)
Hi sami nice to hear from you!

congrats on the pregnancy, hope it all goes well!

Glad Damian and Scarlett are doing ok :D

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