Just need to vent otherwise i might explode and retreat to my bed and cry!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2008
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Hi, ive never posted on this section before as ive never thought there was a problem with me in the fertility department anyway... but in the past 6 months i have only had one period :eek: :'( so i went to the doctors last friday and he weighed me and had a 5 monute chat and basically told me that i will need help getting pregnant in the future as im not ovulating.

He seemed very distant and disinterested and i got upset and started to cry as for my whole life ive known i want babys and ive known that i didnt want to plan them i just stay off the pill and i wanted it to happen when it was supposed to happen so the thought of having to plan and take pills and allsorts to concieve devasted me!

I asked him why im not ovulating is there any thing i can do to make it happen and he said its probably my weight- as im a little on the light side! (which hasnt changed in over 3 years)!! hes refered me for a blood test and says to make another appointment when i want a baby so they can give me clomid! :'(

im 20 years old in a long term relationship, is there anything i can do to make myself ovulate i no it sounds stupid but im so upset! i feel disgusting like im not good enough to even concieve on my own?!? arrrghhh :'(

any advice would be highly appreciated i hate that doctor!

sorry for the long boring post about my worries i bet u all think im stupid for worrying about taking a pill to help me concieve! i just cnt help how its made me feel!

sorry again
Awww hunnie no one thinks you're stupid, have you tried to put on a little more weight? xxx
aw thanks hun:) and thats for replying!
I eat like a horse! i dont concentrate on what i eat but i eat all the time and not small portions, tbh i dont think i am as light as i look, im about 5 ft 6" and weigh just under 8 stone... ive been lighter than this and had regular periods before? :S

what else can cause missed periods and not ovulating?

also does not having a period definatly mean im not ovulating?

sorry for all the questions i really could talk about this all day but everytime i think about it i burst into tears!
Aw you poor thing. I think in some way or another we all know how you feel.

I am also 5"6 and weigh 8stone, have done for years. I am quite slight and eat like a horse too but can't gain weight. Everyone says lucky you, maybe in some ways yes but when you want to be a bit curver and feel more like a woman it's totally out of your hands. In some ways it's on the same parr as someone who is trying to loose weight but can't.

I've been told my weight is not effecting my fertility. All my tests have come back normal but i still cannot seem to concieve a babba all on my own. Because i am classed as "unidentified" i have nothing to work with.

I know of many women who don't ovulate on their own and get pregnant after treatment. Clomid can help kick-start the reproductive system so don't shy away from it. Treat it as giving your ovaries a gentle nudge and hey, at least you know there is a little bump in the road and you can work on it.

Good luck sweetie pie x
thanks kerrieanne! i lovet hat quote:
“A strong person is not the one who doesn’t cry, but the one who knows how to be quiet, sheds a tear for a moment, then picks up their sword & fights again" so true!

so do you have periods and ovulate but cant concieve for an unknown reason?

im so glad these forums exist because everyone i talk to doesnt understand how important it is to me and they just say to get a second opinion?!?!?

would you suggest clomid straight away or for me to wait a couple of months- a year to see if my periods kick start themselves? i think at the moment ive been under a huge amount of stress and have heard that that can cause periods to stop?:s is this true?
:wave:Bless you, just wanted to give you a :hugs:after reading this.
your periods can be affected by stressas well as weight.
Sorry the doctor seemed so detatched too, some are and some do seem to empathise more.
There are people that have periods and ovulate and still take a long time to conceive.
When you are ready, you can look at all the options available to help. Sorry I'm not much help, but you will get lots of support and people who can empathise with what you are going through on here xxx
thanks twilly it means alot that people on here no what its like... :)... i cant get it off my mind my partner keeps telling me to calm down and not to stress.. but all i can think about is periods,.. ok i have alot of years in me to have a baby etc etc but i just want a period i want my body to work how its supposed to so i no that i CAN have babys if i want.. i dnt want to get to the stage where i realise my periods arnt gna come and then for it to take ages with fertility treatments! i feel like going bc to the docs and saying i want a baby NOW... SORT IT!
:wave: My thoughts are maybe try putting on a bit of weight if this is what the gp says could be a cause. Try and add calories to your meals, like putting cheese in soups and drinking whole milk, maybe having a full milk, coffee or hot chocolate. Things that are still fairly good for you but would add calories.

Also stress dosen't help, maybe it is a circimstance you can't change, but if it is...well you know what I mean.
|It is hard to live a stress free life, but some things, we can decide we are going to change.

I know what you mean about wanting it sorted right now, it is hard not to be in control. This is something that really needs to be when you are both ready.
:wave:Also try not to take on board the gp saying "you will" need help rather that you might. Your periods could in time become more regular.
Anyway there is no shame in getting help, thousands of women do and it can work.
I know at the moment you are upset, because it is your body and it isn't working how you feel it should do. Give yourself time for things to sink in.
I am a bit surpried gp didn't offer to refer you to a nutritionalist :roll:
they can help with advice on the weight gain xxxxx
I agree hun, nothing wrong with needing a little bit of help xxx
hi hun!

I've been trying a while myself and am going to see a specialist in April. It feels good to get the ball running and if I were you, I would start clomid at once. I have regular cycles but still haven't managed to conceive and I know how you're feeling! But you just have to hang in there and you will see that with a bit of help, it will sort out! That's what Im thinking at least!

Massive :hugs: to you hun!! And if you need to chat, Im here.

thank you all for your advice and support it is really appreciated! its nice to talk to people who understand what its like to be told such news!!

ive decided im going to take steps to gain weight, adding cheese more milk and 2 complans a day thats extra 500 calories... reduce my stress levels and try to just be normal, wait a year and then go on clomid i will be properly ready for a baby next year with a full time job and my own house and hopefull i will be in a better place then :D

thanks you ladies x
I remember reading that Victoria Beckham was told that she needed to put on wait to conceive, she did and she has, so thats a good sign. xxx
Hiya Anon :)

You do sound really on the lighter side.

I think you should speak to your GP about being referred to a dietician and maybe even a counselor that specialises in eating disorders.

I know you feel that you eat like a horse but the people that i know that are super slim all have issues.

A girl that i knew at school said she ate plenty, but she was an exercise nut and was way under eating for the amount of exercise that she did.

A relative of mine also says that she eats like a horse, and in front of you she will but if you pay attention to her lifestyle and things for long enough, you realise that the rest of the time she eats very very little and will either not eat or eat snacky foods like a bag of crisps.

I don't mean to offend, but i don't believe in people that consume excessive amounts of calories for their lifestyle that are still underweight.

Actually, maybe you should get your thyroid checked also because that is a medical conditions that can cause someone to be underweight :)

Just get a professional opinion ;)
hi there, just wanted to add that my mum has been underweight her whole life. she is 5 foot 7 and weighs 7 stone. a few weeks back she was finally diagnosed with celiac disease and she is already putting on weight. she just had to cut gluten out of her diet - worth looking into. best of luck xx

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