Just need to rant


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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Before i storm into the bedroom and punch oh in the balls!

Been working all evening last night got home shattered, he didnt save/make any tea and by this time it was quarter to eleven so i kust jad cereal and went to bed.

The only job I asked him to do was to clean the fish tank as hed offered to do loads of jobs but i said its ok just do the tank. He was alone all night bar charlie asleep upstairs so he had a chilled night.

Charlie got up at 20 to 6 today,after ten mins i asked oh to go in and see if he wants a drink pf water and maybe he will go back to sleep.

Hes rushed in and jumped back into bed saying leave him and as he was sick before bed i said hes prob hungry so guess who had to get up.

Anyway at half 6 after bfast he was rubbing his eyes put him back upstairs and que screaming ive tried everything,whilst i was making milk i heard oh shouting at him and stomping around,he gets a lie in most fucking mornings what is his problem?? Yes hes at work all day but im up with charlie all day and working all evening and hes moaning about never getting enough sleep well go to bed earlier TWAT!! Grrr sorry x

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Punch him in the balls - he's being completely unreasonable.
Some men seem to be such slow learners and have to be told everything. They have this careless attitude I find and put themselves b4 baby. Think we got one out the bad bunch hun. Has he ever done a full nights feeds etc? Xx
What is with men ALLOWED to be tired but we can't? Yes I've been tired for 6 months but that makes it no less valid than his tiredness!

It's amazing we have a 24 hour job but oh no it's not as hard as going to work everyday!


My oh didn't agree it was hard and tiring til I made him do a whole day & night and even in the day when he cried, I shouted OH and said Joshua is crying loadsa times he said so you can't just get him a minute. I said no your looking after him all day, just like I do. It's only after that day he understood...a little more xxx
Im currently sat on the stairs in a foul mood,charlies crying in bed.

Ive just sat with him tried to rock him but hes pushing off me, put him back in bed and sat there and hes pulling himself up standing up and tapping me. So i put him in bed and went and sat on the stairs.

Oh just got up in a huff with his work clothes on, went to charlie and i dont know what he did but hes shut up. Im wondering if charlie just wanted to know his dads..oh no,he took him out of bed,cause obvs i know nothing and hes fuxking wide awake of course. Prick.

I know what you all mean, i am absolutely on empty with energy at the min, but cause he sits on his arse in an office he is allowed to be tired. Fair enough hes done.little jobs around the house the night before last but i get up with charlie every day no matter what time.

Now hes cooing over charlie like hes not even been a prick in the last hour. I feel like grabbing charlie and walking out but its raining and we arent dressed and ive nowhere to go...

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Book yourself a massage girl at a time when our oh can babysit, sounds like you need a treat x
Omfg!!!! Hes just come upstairs and said he neeeds more support from me, how i dont help telling him off when hes stressed out, i was like ive been up since twenty to fucking six i let him sleep in til 8 every pissing day i cant sleep at night and barely get time to wipe my own backside and he wants support? Hes a fucking joke. He also read online that he should only be sleeping ten hours at night and 2 hours a day and thats why hes playing up. No, ita cause different people have been bathing him etc whilst ive been doing this new job,which i actually dont want to do but have to, so he wont settle for anyone else but him.

I feel like im doing a shit.enough job without him sticking his oar in telling me he goes to bed too early and i let him sleep too much, i just said if im doing such a shit.job and if everything on the internet is taken as FUCKING GOSPEL then he can stay at home every day and I'll just fucking emigrate so my shit.parenting skills won't affect this family. He just went 'okay if thats what you want to do' and walked off :mad:

Im falling apart inside,i am finding it so hard to cope with being pg,looking after charlie,having a stupid crap evening job, housework, and just generally being around oh. And i feel crap cause i should be able to cope but i just about manage each day.

Hes now stomping around downstairs because he cant do his hair in peace and hes moaning at charlie cause hes been sick on him. And charlie keeps crying.

Grrrrr just feel like packing my bqgs and moving out i prob wouldnt have half the stress if he wasnt around x

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Hey hun I feel for u, I have found it really hard at times, and it's rich from your OH web you are getting up all night. Sounds exactly like my OH, it may be good to just go 4 a walk cover up so u don't get too wet n just c how things are web u get bk. Is he very stubborn as my OH is and I always back down but I've got to the point where I have had enough. My worry is with these type of blokes they will just walk away rather than change. Is he an only child at all your OH? Xx
Men do my head in , they think they have it so hard . It makes me laugh when my OH says he would love to stay at home with the baby all day , I said to him try it for a week and you will be begging to go back to work . They have no idea how hard it is . Xxxxx
I hate him so much!!!!!

Hes just come upatairs moaning at me, saying i cant carry on being so unsupportive whenever im atressed he helps but i do nothing for him.

I then explained as i have done all week that i feel stressed taking on this job and i keep forgetting things and im really struggling to stay organised,im stressing about.my theory test in two weeks cause ive not been able to revise as oh takes the laptop to work and when he.comes home im at work and theyve given me loads of overtime too.

He then just started shouting saying everyone has to do it why.cant i,and do i want him to just work every day and me stay at home. Which obvs no i just want him to understand. I know ive got to do this job,im not exactly thrilled to do it but i dont need him stressing at me that we have no money. My mum pointed out that if we are so broke why doesnt he sell his motorbike or get a cheaper car but nooo. I dont have fancy clothes or even anything of any worth otherwise i would sell stuff. I did actually try to sell my guitar not long back but he took it off ebay and said id regret it, i only paid 100 for it anyway.

Then he started moaning cause hes late for work,another thing thats obvs my fault cause i made him come upstairs and carry on the arguement :mad: wish hed just go away for the forseeable future :( x

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He sounds about as mature as your lo but maybe he does need some guidance. Maybe in his eyes he does try but doesn't know what the heck to do to please you?
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And no hes not an only child. I hate whenever i say how we shpuld swap places and give him a week. He seems to think that cause he had him for 2 days whilst i had a work induction and he was cheerful cause they were playing in the garden all day its the easiest job in the world,he doesnt think how i have to get the bus or walk everywhere, how most of the time it rains so we have to.stay indoors or when hes just generally being.grumpy oh no its all a breeze....

Sorry for ranting,wanted to start being.positive on this forum,hes just completely ruined my morning x

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VikkiR i know he does try and i do try to show my appreciation for stuff he does,i know he goes to work all day and it must be draining but charlies uaually in bed when he gets home so he doesnt have to think about looking after him.

Im just annoyed that after getting up this morning when i could have slept for a week and running round trying anything to stop charlie crying he then starts stomping and shouting upstairs just making it all worse and harder for me to settle charlie,yeah fair enough hes tired but so am I and he had the luxury of being in bed i couldnt cool the milk any quicker than i was.

Bloody men.

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Feeling your pain, men can adopt very selective memory at times. Maybe it's time to lay the law down and be very specific in what you expect him to do on a daily/weekly basis. I think men think we can cope better than them, truth is we flipping have to, doesn't mean to say its right though xx

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