Just found out I'm 22 weeks pregnant!!


Jan 12, 2016
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So I found out I was pregnant last week. If I'm honest I'm not taking it too well. I'm roughly around 22-24 weeks as only time I had intercourse was July/August last year. I managed to get in to see midfwife on Thursday and heart beat was found so definitely a baby in there. She faxed over to the hospital for a scan but still not heard anything. I'm not sure if anyone has been in a similar situation but was wondering how long it will be? Surely it needs to be ASAP incase there's anything wrong. I'm so scared and confused . I have two children already and I'm a single mum. I still haven't plucked up the courage to tell me family yet, think theyre gonna be so mad at me.
Oh what a massive shock hun, sending you big hugs. With regards to the scan I would think they would push you through under the circumstances. What ages are your other kids? Are you in touch with the baby’s dad? Do you think he would support you? x
It is a huge shock. The midwife did say they would ring me with an appointment but nothing yet. Was hoping it would be this week or next. My two boys are 7 and 4. Same dad to my other two but he's been in and out of there lives for past 4 years. Told him and he said get an abortion, its not his and its nothing to do with him. Ive always wanted one more but not like this. X
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I really feel for you. Such a huge shock. They should rush you through for the scan.

If you can think of even just one person - family or friend - that will be supportive then tell them as soon as possible. You shouldn't have to face this alone, an ally will be helpful when you tell the rest of your family.
*hugs* so lucky that you have practically gone through half the pregnancy without even knowing it! sorry about the circumstances though. i say call your midwife up and nudge her; i got my scan appointment on the spot when i saw my midwife for tests. Good luck with everything, like Sammielou says, definitely tell atleast a best friend, that way they can advise you better as they know the father and how your life is going at the moment.
Oh I do feel for you!! I hope you have told someone, you need support around you. To be honest I don't think there's ever a perfect time to have a baby and I know this is a shock but there's worse things that can happen in life. I think you could ring your local hospital and request an urgent appt given the circumstances. Take care
I suppose I am lucky its gonna be a quick one and I get to find out the sex asap instead of that long long wait lol but its so nerve wracking that I don't have alot of time to prepare, also missed the first scan do afraid something could be wrong and as awful as it sounds its too late to do anything if there is. I'm always with my two boys so I honestly don't get out that much, so only really do most things with my family. I'm going to try and tell my sister this week and might just be a coward and send a text message to the rest lol, still haven't heard about scan so I might ring her up tomorrow when she's at the clinic to see if she can nudge it, my auntie works in the maternity as a midwife so I'm thinking maybe I should speak to her for some support as shes quite supportive more than the rest of my family. I'm having moments of excitement especially when I see the baby section in the super market and see the little tiny clothes but I'm still worried about how it will effect my two sons as I know my eldest will not like it, my youngest will be excited and its quite weird as the past few months he has been saying he wants a baby but my eldest always says no when he says it lol. Xx
lol! so cute your eldest son! I wonder why he feels like that? he will be ok though, no other choice lol!...
you have plenty of time to prepare, I will start shopping after I find out the sex, it doesn't really take us long to shop, maybe it's the saving up for it part that could be difficult *sigh*.. I am sure the baby is perfect! don't worry about missing your first scan (mine is tomorrow :-D), that's just a booking scan anyway, wouldn't have told you if there was anything wrong with the baby, If I remember correctly, they just check the gestation at the 1st scan. You are soooo lucky that you get to find out the sex right away and that you went through more than half the pregnancy without even knowing! yes speak to you aunt the midwife :) ..

I'm sure you'll get rush through for a scan, I would call in the morning to chase them as letters can get lost ect... when my letter didn't arrive for my 12 weeks scan I called the hospital and they booked me in over the phone.

Really hope you have a support next work in place, I would also talk to your employer straight away as your maternity form will be due in 3 weeks. Just remember what ever you decided to do its your decision and I know this isn't the right forum to discuss this but the abortion limit is set for circumstances like this. Likewise there is help available for you if you decided to keep the child and don't have the support. From being planned perspective people don't start getting ready until this time anyway its more about giving yourself time to adjust mentally in the next 4 months.
How are you getting on Hun? Have you told anyone yet? I hope you are getting some support x
I also think you should ask your midwife for any pregnancy classes/meetings near you. You may make
Some new friends and wil hopefully have more support from other pregnant women in your area xx
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