just feel like crying....


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
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I feel so selfish, but my firiend is having her 12 week scan now. All I want to do is cry as I feel so jealous and I am dreading her coming round showing the piccies. Tomorrow she wants me to go shopping with her for an outfit for her, but its right next to mothercare and mamas and papas and I know she will want to go in there.

I really can't handle it for some reason and I hate myself for not being excitied with her as she had to do it while I was pregnant.

I feel like such a bad friend and really ashamed of myself.

Sorry just needed to get it off my chest.

I don't know whats going on with me. I was really happy for my SIL when she was preggers 5 yrs ago and got excited for her and stuff, but now I am just really fed up.

Wondering whether I should leave ttc while I sort my head out
oh sweety i'm sorry you're feeling like that :hug: no you're not a bad friend it's natural that you feel a little envious when you are trying so hard to get pregnant and suddenly everyone around you is having babies. My best friend is also pregnant and i feel like that everytime she talks about her bump, scans, the baby room etc which is everyday!! in fact i am talking to her right now on the chat and she's just sent me pics of the pram they bought last weekend..

If you feel like crying don't suppress your emotions you'll feel better just don't do it in front of your friend or she'll feel guilty. You will slowly get used to her being pregnant and you might even enjoy giving her advice etc..and who knows maybe just being around her will give you loads of positive vibes and you'll conceive very soon! :D :hug:
Yeah you are right -, I hate feeling envious and hate thinking that I am a bad friend. I keep trying to think at least its not me who is going to have sleepless nights etc etc, but I want them really!!

Stupid thing is I have a daughter and I feel I am being greedy. I should be grateful for what I have got, I guess its those hormones though, otherwise no-one would ever be driven to have another baby.

I swear men have it so easy!! :wall:
I Know how you feel when my friend told me she was pregnant i was gutted tbh, then a week later i found out i was pregnant so we could chat together which was lovely, until last tuesday when I had an EP and my right tube removed!!

Everytime i speak to her now i just want to cry as i was 7 weeks and shes now 10 weeks, im jelous and hateful atm but i guess as time goes past the scars will heal.

Hormones are a bad bad thing lol :(
Hi hon, try not to feel so bad about yourself. We had been ttc for a year when, in the same week, my in laws announced they were pg after ivf and we got a bfp too,sadly I lost it around 2 weeks later but thankfully they didnt and went on to have a healthy baby. There were times when i felt shite and really envious but Im a great one for sticking feelings firmly under the carpet and just tried to feel optimisitic about our own situation. Not easy but keep your chin up and stay positive.

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