just did a pregnancy test . . .


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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it came up negative but i knew it would got some cheap tests (4) for a pound so want to make sure the controll window came up and it said negative as i took a ovulation test and that came up POSITIVE!!!! my cycle might be shorter this month ladies!!!!! yay!!!!!!! So now i know there working and not just cheap ovulation tests they trying to pass off as the real thing i got 3 tests as i got a long cycle to test christmas day or eve lol im like a big kid haha!! new years and on the 18th of jan as thats like a day after im due i think lol wish me luck!!!!! - as i know im ovuklating now when could i test do you think????????

Evie x x x x x
Would be nest pressie ever got everything crossed! Guess you have a busy night ahead! Get to it girl :rotfl:
hubby at work till 9pm! we baby danced last few night tho so im pretty sure im covered lol! think if i aksed to him baby dance again he will faint lol!! i made some cranberry flavoured whipped cream earlier might have to bribe him into it coz the last thing men want to hear is come on ect ect . . . then they 1/2 get into the mood after aprox 7 nights of baby dancing lol and then a shift till 9pm they hear but i need your sperm for a baby hahahaha!!!! off putting lol! think im prob covered as much as im gonna be sperm lasting 5 to 7 days inside a woman lol if the test comes up neg when i can im gonna hit myself i think! lol x x x - you think i should try to pursuade him?? im tired hahahaha
shall try my hardest then lol and if underwear fails i will pull out the cream!! haha :rotfl:
haha how funny! Bases are definately covered this month!!! x
yes definatally covered got fingers crossed for a bfp!!!!! eeeeeyyyyykkkkk 10 days from now or yesterday to test? thats new years or boxing day?? confused.com
ten days PAST ovulation, so I would say if you OV yday, then it would be Christmas Day. Don't get :( if it is a BFN, as still could be! x
ah okie dokie so christmas day no tears if its a negative as could just not be detectable yet then so another a week later if nothing a week after that as i have a long cycle? till af? or maybe no af :) ect . . . ???
thats right! If you have some cheap tests, and if you are anything like me... I would probably test every 3 or 4 days or so after christmas day, until AF does show. Take a more reliable test once you know AF is definately late as you dont want to be wasting those ones! xx
hehe just like you then i just stocked up with pound land tests!! lol and have planned to get a clear blue if i get a positive or after af is due :) x
I looked in there for some of the strips, but cant find them in our local one! grr... ended up with wilkos ones. good plan! good luck x
Good luck Evie! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, lots of baby-dust for you and I wish you a nice positive test asap!

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