Just Curious!


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
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Might seem a bit strange but I was wondering about life after pregnancy and came up with a few things I hope you can answer!?.....

1. Can you lie on your belly straight away (well, not straight away - but that night / next night!?) I really miss doing this - it used to relax me enough to fall asleep.

2. I have odema (swelling of ankles, feet and hands) - does that go immediately once babes is here?

3. Going loo all the time is really starting to get to me - been like it since end of Oct!!?? :x - does this improve straight after birth?

Ummm thought I had more questions than that!!!! - that will do for now though - any replies would be great!!!!

L x
1. Can you lie on your belly straight away (well, not straight away - but that night / next night!?) I really miss doing this - it used to relax me enough to fall asleep.

I slept on my belly the night after I'd given birth and I wasn't uncomfortable. It's the only way I like to sleep.

2. I have odema (swelling of ankles, feet and hands) - does that go immediately once babes is here?

I got that too. The swelling went down for me about a week later but my feet have remained a size bigger.

3. Going loo all the time is really starting to get to me - been like it since end of Oct!!?? - does this improve straight after birth?

I found it did.
I was laying on my tummy within a few days after birth. Any swelling I had was just water retention so it went away quickly.
I couldn't sleep on my belly till about 2 weeks after birth and it took about a week for the swelling to go down. As for needing the toilet all the time that went straight away!
I slept on my belly a couple of nights after. I had no swelling though so I can't help with that one. The going to the loo all the time stopped straight away!
I had a c-section so it was a few weeks before i felt comfortable lying on my belly again

I didnt have any swelling during pregnancy and thought id got away with it but after the birth....wow! lol swelled up big time!! it took a few weeks before i felt normal again! lol

And the constant need for the loo stopped straight away!!

Steph x
I could lie on my belly straight away, the swelling went down immediately, and the needing the loo constantly went straight away too :D
I can lay on my stomach now but couldn't due to c section.

Feet balloned after c section but heard it's very common. But went away once I got home and went out a few times.

Needing to wee loads went straight away.
You girls are fab!!! it seems the going loo all the time will go straight away - I am sooooooooooooooooooooo looking foward to that!

Thanks for all your replies - they really made me feel better ( I had about 2 hours sleep last night for various reasons that you will know about having been pregnant before!!)

L x
didn't try sleeping on tummy - was too scared to move anyway because everytime i moved i bled heavily ... sorry if TMI :)

The waniting to pee went straight away, even tho the nurse wanted me to go every hour!!

Swelling went about 2 weeks after birth
I am so looking forward to meeting my little girl and the added bonus of all these horrible niggles going away (even if after a couple of weeks)

Roll on March!

Thanks again!

L x

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