After my earlier post, I was deeply concerned at the lack of movement from bump. It was yesterday lunch time since I last felt her. After typing in my post, I have to admitt I was prodding my tummy hard to see if she would move-but no luck. Tried the whole Ribena with ice and a bowl of ice cream-still nothing. Told mum and she phoned up the ante natal ward right away who advised me to get straight up there. And guess what? The minute they put me on that machine (the one that measures buba's heart rate and contractions) she livened up. 26 kicks within 9 minutes. I felt a fool, but hey that's what they are there for.
She is apparently in the back to back position which makes it harder for me to feel anything-don't know if back to back is better than breech which she was up until 1 week ago!
Thanks for all your responses, you should all see my file, I think they have used a whole forrest the amount of paperwork that is in it now! xx
She is apparently in the back to back position which makes it harder for me to feel anything-don't know if back to back is better than breech which she was up until 1 week ago!
Thanks for all your responses, you should all see my file, I think they have used a whole forrest the amount of paperwork that is in it now! xx