Job dilemma...


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2013
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So I got offered my job back in March and I start in a week or two. Im going to be working as a health care assistant in an NHS Hospital.

My dilemma is this... Im currently 4+4 weeks pregnant and will be 5+5 weeks when I start. I have to pop in next week to fill in uniform form (trousers and tunic) which are usually quite fitted. My dilemma is...

1) My new employer I have never met yet and dont know I am pregnant.
2) I wont last long in a normal tunic and trousers and suspect Im going to need a maternity one ordering.

I just feel awful going in next week and going "eeer yes by the way Im pregnant"

Or do you think I keep it quiet order a normal tunic and trousers and once Ive been in my job a month or so Ill be about 12 weeks so can announce then and hope my uniform is still fitting okay.
I would order one soon as a colleague of mine received her maternity uniform the day before her mat leave. She was allowed to wear her own black trousers and the tunic top provided. Because of the nature of the job you may have to let your line manager know so they can do a risk assessment as it is very easy to be put in a position you are not happy with early on when people don't know. Mine knew early as I had a bleed at 5 weeks I didn't tell colleagues until after dating scan which was late at 13+6. I was on community then and was being sent up the vallies and rural areas where it was snowing heavily. I remember slipping around at 12 weeks thinking I shouldn't be here.
Lots of people don't even know they are pregnant at 5 weeks plus the risks are still high... Just carry on per normal in my opinion only as I've had a mc before at 7 weeks so I personally wouldn't factor pregnancy in with job until 12 weeks unless there's risk to you or there's heavy lifting x

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I'd carry on as normal and wait to tell them abit further into your pregnancy.
Id certainly carry on as normal and not tell them until your ready.

If you need bigger tunics they need to provide you with them as it's them stipulating the policy. I work in the NHS but mine is a blouse and we don't have a maternity blouse so I wear a top under mine and have it open but I work in an office so not a huge deal.

Your not required to tell them anyway I'd personally leave it until you are ready I bet it be less awkward then. As someone said, its early days some dont find out and even if they do some dont tell for a while due to previous complications or future potential complications. Everyone's circumstances are different end of the day they only need to know a certain date and have correct paperwork for maternity/maternity related stuff and the rest in between is your discretion.

If you don't need the tunics now you don't wanna order bigger and have to grow into them. My manager always has loads of blouses and tunics in her office so perhaps as and when you do get bigger your manager may have some new ones spare until a new set is ordered.

I didn't grow out of my clothes until 4m and this is my second so, might take a while before your like bursting out. I told my manager 8w after an early scan. And our formal risk assessment did by managers is at 5m about the time you hand your form in although you can have one did yourself if need be beforehand.

Congrats on new job and baby.

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I think being a HCA you need your risk assessment early on because there are certain products you shouldn't come into contact with like harmful cleaning chemicals. Xx

I think being a HCA you need your risk assessment early on because there are certain products you shouldn't come into contact with like harmful cleaning chemicals. Xx

Yes of course it would depend on your role. I imagine being a HCA you will be escorting patients too? which again is a different risk when you come into public.

I am in the back, typing away so dont pose a huge risk - mostly mine was shelf heights etc..

Yes, agree with others, I wouldn't tell them this soon. I am 16 weeks, still in my normal work clothes, although they are only just starting to get a little snug x
I would keep it your yourself if you're happy to. Build a relationship with them first and it will be easier as your pregnancy progresses. I would probably just order your normal size as its still early, maybe see how sizing is? If it's small sizes you could maybe think about getting a size up. When I did care work in the community 2 years ago I chose a size bigger because the pleats in the back felt uncomfortable when I had my arms up, so might be worth trying one first if you can. Xx
Thank you ladies. I have taken your advice and Im going to keep it quiet for now anyway and order a normal tunic. Xx

I am an hca it all depends if your on a ward or outpatient setting. On a ward I would tell them I had to 2 weeks after I started. But outpatients leave it until your scan. In regards to uniform I was still in my original tunics until I went on mat leave and just wore mat trousers.

I am an hca it all depends if your on a ward or outpatient setting. On a ward I would tell them I had to 2 weeks after I started. But outpatients leave it until your scan. In regards to uniform I was still in my original tunics until I went on mat leave and just wore mat trousers.

Im going to be on a children's surgical ward. Xx

I am an hca it all depends if your on a ward or outpatient setting. On a ward I would tell them I had to 2 weeks after I started. But outpatients leave it until your scan. In regards to uniform I was still in my original tunics until I went on mat leave and just wore mat trousers.

Im going to be on a children's surgical. Xx

I'm a nurse on a children's surgical ward and I would tell them sooner rather than later. I understand what the girls are saying but you have to actually think of the job role and what you'll be doing there. We expect a lot of support from hcas, I'm often asking them to help me transfer patients from theatre beds onto ward beds, move heavyish equipment, hold down patients for procedures, empty all the big full bins etc. And yes clean up all sorts of body products! If you'd be happy to do all this in early pregnancy then it's no problem to keep it to yourself but if you aren't you'll need to say. Surgical wards are heavy going, and if it's anything like mine extremely busy all day. Good luck xx
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I think in the above case Id rather tell after Ive started at the very least. I really wouldnt say before that personally.

To be fair the above tasks you mentioned MrsS15 are very similar when I worked on an adult surgical ward, I wouldnt really have a problem doing them in early pregnancy. My main concern is mainly harmful chemicals. Xx

I didn't tell my work until I was 16 weeks. Personal preference - just wanted risky period over with and it felt right to wait (I told family/friends first). I didn't start showing until 19 weeks (was my first) so I think you'll be ok with a normal tunic initially x

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