Jet lag and AF?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2013
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Hi girls, after over 2 months off I am popping back to ask a question. We are on holiday at the moment and I thought AF showed a few days early (CD30 this cycle normally around 33 days). I had mooncup in anyway because I know my AF messes me about and I am doing a lot of swimming, so Saturday morning my time there was a tiny streak of red/pink blood and CM, followed by another streak of reddish blood and CM that night, then brown this morning and just checked now and no bleeding at all, just CM??? Normally I am light the first day then heavy the next, I have never ever had this happen before and I'm trying not to get my hopes up as I thought we missed fertile period this cycle? BDd only on CD16, 17, 18 this month.

Is this due to the stress of flying? Anyone else experience this when travelling and have AF show up again later on?

Thanks in advance as I'm going mad here having no tests with me as we had completely given up to be honest and we're waiting for IVF referral in Feb.
Hi broody. I travel a lot and suffer really badly with jet lag. I think I did about 12 long haul flights last year (12 trips so 24 flights). It's never affected af.

Good luck.
Thanks so much for your reply Syd :) I will just see what happens and test Wednesday if no show. I will update either way x
Please do, I've got everything crossed for you. Hope you're somewhere lovely.
I think it would only delay af if you got jet lag at the time of ov. Once you have ov'd af shouldn't be late no matter how much flying you do.
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Update: after 2 whole days of no spotting at all AF came very vengeful my and heavier than normal. I will never know if it was a chemical or a very early MC as no access to tests. :( thanks for all your advice xx
I'm so sorry Broody. Sounds like a chemical to me. If it's any consolation, my reflexologist was absolutely convinced I had a chemical a few months ago - no idea as I didn't test. I then got pregnant a couple of months later. Admittedly it didn't last but in my mind there was a bit of a link.

I hope you managed to enjoy your holiday x

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