sorry your still itching jenny it's awful isn't it,
If the itching continues I'd ask to get you liver function test repeated and also ask for a serum bile acid test ( as this is more sensitive) at your next appointment or make an appointment if that ones not soon enough for you, as sometimes you can still have OC but your levels not be high enough to show up on tests. (sorry don't want to worry you).
to help relieve the itching you should be able to take Piritin (check with your pharmasist ) as when a was pregnant with baby number 2 this is what they gave me at the hospital when I was diagnosed with OC, and It really stops the itching, but this only helps with the itching and not the cause, so I'd still get your levels retested.
I've already started itching ( not a lot but it can be annoying) with this one and have had my bloods tested every 2 weeks since I was 12 weeks (all come back normal)and they'll keep retesting unless the itching stops.
sorry to go on I just wanted you to know that you don't have to just put up with it as I know how awful the itching can be.
If you want to chat about it or need any info you can just give me a pm if you like.