

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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hi jenny, i was just wondering how you got on with your test results, hope everything is ok

Jo x
Hi Jo!
I got them yesterday lunch time, and im fine!Thankyou for making me more aware of the condition, I went on the website suz suggested, and it's really good.
Thanks again :)

Am so glad you ok :lol:
Really relieved to hear you are ok Jenny, better to be safe than sorry, take care xx
Thanks both of you!! Kim, your little girl is absolutely gorgeous!!! :D

Thanks Jenny I think so too lol!! :lol:
Hi jenny

Glad to hear that your results came back ok,

do you still have the itching or has it gone now?

hope you are well

Thanks hun!I still have the itching, its driving me mad, especially at night. I can't use too much of the cream I was perscribed either, so I will just have to put up with it.

I replied to your post in 2nd trimester.

sorry your still itching jenny it's awful isn't it,

If the itching continues I'd ask to get you liver function test repeated and also ask for a serum bile acid test ( as this is more sensitive) at your next appointment or make an appointment if that ones not soon enough for you, as sometimes you can still have OC but your levels not be high enough to show up on tests. (sorry don't want to worry you).

to help relieve the itching you should be able to take Piritin (check with your pharmasist ) as when a was pregnant with baby number 2 this is what they gave me at the hospital when I was diagnosed with OC, and It really stops the itching, but this only helps with the itching and not the cause, so I'd still get your levels retested.

I've already started itching ( not a lot but it can be annoying) with this one and have had my bloods tested every 2 weeks since I was 12 weeks (all come back normal)and they'll keep retesting unless the itching stops.

sorry to go on I just wanted you to know that you don't have to just put up with it as I know how awful the itching can be.
If you want to chat about it or need any info you can just give me a pm if you like.

p.s I hope the itching isn't disturbing your sleep.
I really appreciate your help. Its nice to know that someone cares, and im sorry you had to go through it, and I will take your advice. Ive got the midwife this Wednesday, so I will ask her about testing again. To be honest, the doctor i saw wasnt my own doctor, and I didnt feel she was quite awake yet! Obviously the blood results would have been the same, but when she took my blood is wouldnt stop bleeding for ages, and now I have a bruised arm even though it was nearly a week ago.

I trust the midwife more, as they deal with pregnant women all the time, and I will tell her that I want another test done. Think I have a blood test for my glucose levels too. I hope she doesnt take blood out of the same arm as the doctor did! :shock:

I will get some Piriton too. Thankyou so much for this :)


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