Ivf costs


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
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I wonder of someone can share some ballpark costs with me.

At 40 next month, and with one child - i'm not eligible for IVF on the NHS.. Wondering what sort of private costs we might be facing ??

I know there are lots of moving parts, its not just a standard charge. Been quoted £80 for a private consultation and £70 for bloods... I guess I am just trying to get an idea... Whether we should start the process or not...
Wow that is a good price for consultation. Ours is closer to £300 for the initial appointment. Some places publish their costs on the internet, might be worth googling a few near to you.
I dont know whether treatment might be £500 or £5,000 or £50,000...

Have no idea.... :-(
If you can get an initial consultation and bloods done it might show you only need something much cheaper, like clomid or iui if there is a problem with your ohs sperm instead. Does he take a male conception vitamin? If not get him on one as it can make a difference. With luck there may be nothing wrong and you just need to keep on trying. I know that isn't a comfort when you have been trying a while but sometimes it just seems to take a while. Chin up and good luck :)
£5k is about right. Here I think it's £2400 for the actual IVF itself but you've got all your scans, appointments, medicines etc to pay on top. I always had £5k in my head. The good news is that frozen cycles are a lot cheaper if you get any spares - about £900 for the actual treatment at my clinic. X
I think here it's closer to 6000 or so. We aren't getting to IVF stage yet but will ask to in a couple of years if no luck. Hopefully you will get your BFP beforehand xx
About 5k all in here in Glasgow x
Both my IVF cycles were approximately £4,500. That was mostly due to me being on the shirt protocol with a relatively low dose stim drug. I'd start at around £5,000 as a good ballpark start point. Get as many bloods etc done on the nhs beforehand xx
It all depends on your drugs really. Most clinics will publish their treatment cost online. Ours is 3500ish and then drugs and such on top. My AMH is low so drugs were very expensive for us. Consultations here are over 200 and bloods far more than that so good price. I would check what bloods they do for £70 though. Initial bloods would be hormone profiles and then there is more before IVF too. It's all overwhelming when you're new to it. Worth looking at a range of clinics for prices and for their success rates etc xx
Defo agree on the approx £5k. But yes all depends on drugs you need, scans etc. it's always worth seeing what bloods you can do on NHS first to save a few hundred, also Asda for buying the drugs I believe they charge cost price so a huge saving of again hundreds compared to some places, good luck x
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Hi, some fertility clinics publish a price list on their websites. I cant help much with feritlity clinics in UK, but here are ivf prices of overseas fertility clinic-invictaclinics com/infertility-treatment/ivf-programs/comparison-of-ivf-programs/ All the best xx

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