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Its ok isnt it?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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That Ive started telling everyone my good news?
Im nearly 12 weeks and had my scan so its all good?
People scare me going "ooooooo no tell them till you're in your 2nd tri"
But I kinda will be at 12 weeks..its three months so its ok?
Yeah its fine hun - you tell people when YOU want to! we told family as soon as we found out (well nearly as soon as lol) and then told friends/work mates etc the day after our 12wk scan! :D
Ive always understood that you should try to wait until 12 weeks if you can which you so nearly are so I would probably be telling people by now!
Yeah, I'm sure its fine to tell people now since you're so near 12 weeks and have had your scan!
yeah i'd tell who you want hun, your nearly at 12 weeks and your scan was fine so its ok :)
Its just I got all excited bout telling people, then my bloomin baby books are sayin that because your 2nd trimester doesnt start till week 13..in one book week 14, that THIS is when you should tell people!!
Im sick of all these conflicts in info!
They say that at 12 weeks your risk of miscarriage is 1%, so in that sense I feel more secure in my pregnancy, but all this info everywhere confuses me!!

I think Im worried now coz so many people know, and if something happened, Id have to tell them all.

Arrggh its all so confuddling! :wall:
I've always told close friends and family from as soon as I knew I was PG (5/6 weeks).

I've told my boss and most people in my department at work as I had my scan at 10 weeks.

I think as soon as you've had your scan you might as well tell, the reason for the 12 week thing is because that is the time where you're "more at risk" of things going wrong and also that's when you used to have your scan.

But there is no right or wrong, just tell when you're ready to!
i told everyone my news as soon as i had the possitive test with my 2 and with this pregnancy :D
Ah well tis done..Ive text everyone and announced it on Facebook!! :cheer:

Its true I suppose, Ive had the scan so why the hell not?! :dance:
hhahah have you really?! aw that must be so exciting.. i cant wait to tell everyone.. loong way off though!
you can tell people whenever you feel comfortable....there's no set rules.

I was determined not to tell anyone until I'd had my 12 week scan but I was so excited that I'd told pretty much everyone in the family by 6 weeks and most of our friends knew by 8. The only people that didn't really know were the masses at work (I'd told my boss and close workmates). I told them after the first scan.

If you want to get up and shout it from the rooftops then you do that
sally12 said:
Beth88 said:
cant wait to tell everyone.. loong way off though!

Beth - the time will fly! :fib: :fib: :fib: :fib:

Haha.. i hope it does :( and i want these smelly period pains to leave me alone... im 5 weeks tomorrow WOOOOOOOO..
i was wondering about this aswell.

My dating scan is when i'm 11 weeks (although this could be moved) and then the week after I've booked a private nuchal scan (when I'll be 12 1/2).

So far no one knows except parents and my boss, and of course hubbie.

I think once the first scan is over I'll tell people, because we won't get the results of the other until week 14. I'm already having problems hiding my belly. I bought some really comfortable maternity trousers, but they hang below the bump. My tops are normal and I'm paranoid a bit of my belly hangs below :moon:
Everyone knows about me! I told my friends and close family straight away and the rest of the family found out last week. I was forced to tell people at work straight away because there are lots of risks in my job and I needed to protect myself!
I told my mum, sister & MIL at 7 weeks, then OH's old school friends at 8 weeks. I wanted to wait longer but we were going away for the weekend with the friends and I didn't want to have to pretend to be ill etc to explain not drinking - it was easier just to tell them!

I'm gradually told more and more people as I've seen them but I've not made it 'public' knowledge yet so I've asked for it to be kept off facebook. I'll do a proper announcement on there after my scan (in 11 days time... :wink: )

Tell people when you're ready, there are no rules it's just what you are comfortable with. Hope you've had good reactions from people!
at the moment a few people know, my OH, my mum, my best friend and my cousin (i saw her up town monday after my scan and just blurted it out lol), not telling anyone else till after 20 weeks as im scared of the same thing happening again

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