Its all YOUR fault!!!!! everyone of you...


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
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Each and every morning I wake up and think to myself 'righto Krystal, today we'll do the housework first and then sit down and chill :think: , then I think hmmmm i wonder what new posts there are so i come on to check. Then I'm addicted for the whole day and 10 mins before OH gets home I have to run around like a blue ars'ed fly cleaning up... :shhh:

so I would like to pass all of the blame onto you lot... every single one of you :lol: :lol:
I am the same, I come back from dropping LO off at school, get some breakfast and think I'll have a quick look on here and then that is me till I have to go pick him up. When he started proper school I thought that it would seem like I had loads of free time, but I get on here and when I look at the clock it's 3:50pm :wall:
:cheer: I feel so much better now, i'm not the only one addicted :cheer:

Do you think Urchin has cast a spell on us all?? :rotfl:
same here usually i will get on n do stuff
but if somethings going down i cant move

sarahH last night

"im going to bed"
Urchin came in chat

3 hrs later shes still there :rotfl:
when you are in house by yourself and baby is sleeping.... most things excite you!! :D
lol, i think urchin got a lot to answer for :rotfl:

think there should be a forum fan club :cheer:
Josephine_Beth said:
SarahH said:
when you are in house by yourself and baby is sleeping.... most things excite you!! :D

And your fella is where during this time?????

Look at my ticker!!! I wont see him for another 15 days.

I tell you 5wks without hubby and sex.... sitting chatting babies at 1am is as about much fun as I get!
Tell him to get his arse online, cyber sex, or get him to call you, ohone sex............both very good forms of contraception!
I'm exactly the same! but i get the kids up and dressed before i even look at the computor!
good thought it was just me, its soo addictive, my house is a tip, i have a load of ironing i need to do, its that bad dh has no clean pants :rotfl: b4 i do anything i think i will just check and see whats happening on the forum, then thats me hooked. I think Urchin needs to limit our time so we get things done.
Thank god thought it was just me!! I started a new business on Monday and I have spent most of my time on this site .......... Not much good when I'm supposed to be ringing clients. :oops:
i sometimes lie to my OH when he gets home from work I say ' oh I'm so tired I haven't had time to do washing up/ hoovering / make the bed cos Jack has been crying for attention all day' when really it's cos i've been on here :fib: :oops: :rotfl:
OMG i am so like that haha
i sed to myself this evening sarah ur realy not well today u have to go to sleep at 10 haha not working so far is it

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