Itching advice please?*Updated*


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I really don't want to sound like a hypochondriac pregnant woman (which I am I know!!) but as I have posted during the week I have been suffering with a pain on and off under my right rib but I have been suffering with wind and an icky tummy.
Went to docs yesterday and she thinks it is IBS but has taken blood to check liver function in case it is my Gall Bladder. Now I have woke up this morning and my leg is itching me like crazy and I'm wondering if it is Obstetric Cholestasis (sp). I have had this itch on and off for a while and it only seems to be my left leg no where else.

Does any one reckon I should give my midwife or doctor a call and mention it or is it too early to develop this? Or maybe just wait until the results are back on Friday.

Sorry to be a pain i just don't want to keep bugging doctors or Midwife with my worries.
Hun if your worried give the midwife a ring, that's what she's there for and wont mind.

Better to be safe eh. :hug:
i get really itchy legs a day or two after i shave them its got so bad now i dont want to do them but waxing dont work :(
if your woried ring your midwife as said
manda xx
Given they are already testing your liver I would call your MW or docs asap and let them know.
I called my antenatal unit and explained the story. The midwife I spoke to advised me to contact my GP and explain about the itching. She did say if I went to hosp they would do the same blood test the doctors have done.
I am waiting for my doctor to call me now and see whether they can get my results through quicker.

Thanks everyone
GP just called my blood results are back already and my liver function was normal ruling out Gall Bladder problem and Liver problems!!!
Also my blood count is really good and I am not anaemic.

Please, the next time I post on here and am panicking and stressing myself out will some give me a virtual slap across the face.
Thats good news, how lucky they already have your results so they can put your mind at ease right away.
I don't blame you for being worried!

nope, no slapping allowed - this place is perfect for us all to come to people with our worries. i think my OH would have a nervous breakdown if i let him know how much stuff i actually worry about during this pregnancy!

glad you're all ok :hug:
My OH would be the same too. I just feel like at the moment everything worries me and I'm worried about little Frank.

It seems every time I post on here I'm flapping about one thing or another.
I thought it wouldn't be so bad being pregnant 2nd time around as I have been there before. But I feel like a first time mum although, I suppose with a 12 year age gap i almost am!
Emma58 said:
My OH would be the same too. I just feel like at the moment everything worries me and I'm worried about little Frank.

It seems every time I post on here I'm flapping about one thing or another.
I thought it wouldn't be so bad being pregnant 2nd time around as I have been there before. But I feel like a first time mum although, I suppose with a 12 year age gap i almost am!

It's almost a ten year gap for me and everytime I post on here I'm moaning or whingeing about something. Sorry ladies but all you virtual friends are such good listeners and I really need a few :hug: :hug: :hug: at the mo.
timsmom said:
[EverytimeI post on here I'm moaning or whingeing about something. Sorry ladies but all you virtual friends are such good listeners and I really need a few :hug: :hug: :hug: at the mo.

I couldn't agree more half the time I feel really silly ringing my midwife or GP putting a post on here and getting friendly advice really helps.

Thank you ladies :hug:

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