Is this too early for bed?


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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Kieran is 12 weeks old now and I've been putting him to bed around 7pm, is this too early yet for his age?

Up until a couple of weeks ago he was downstairs with me all the time until I went to bed but he wasn't getting decent sleep because if I made a noise then he woke up so I started putting him upstairs to sleep and it has been brilliant, I put him down awake and he will normally fall asleep pretty soon after being put down.

I put him to bed at night when he starts constantly crying and looking tired, this is usually around 7pm. When he goes to sleep he will wake around 2am for a feed then go straight back to sleep until 6/7am. Is this normal?

He did sleep through the other night but he hasn't done it since then.

I can't remember what I done with Nathan at this age :think:
My LO goes to bed anywhere between 7pm and 8pm, depends on when she starts to get tired.

I think if your LO is ready for a sleep at that time then i dont see a problem with it hun, he sounds as if it suits him nicely if he sleeps till 2am :)
I think the best bedtime routine is best done worked around the baby and naturally baby will fall into something regular.
Yeah, at that age COrey was going to bed around then!!

Go with what suits LO :)

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