is this postive?


Apr 24, 2018
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Yesterday morning I took a pregnancy test (the one you see on the left) and at first I thought it was negative and looked at it about twenty minutes later and the line was there. that was a tesco one. so i took a first response one, same thing nothing came up, and ive looked at it this morning and now that has come up.

My periods are irregular so i have no idea when it should come but i had my last period about 5 weeks ago.

Its hard to get a doctors appointment so can anyone tell me if they think these are positive lines? they are not grey they are coloured.

I was pregnant before a few years ago, sadly i miscarried. But when i originally took the test for that it didnt come up straight away and i realised a few hours later,

Also with the Tesco one, I took it apart afterwards and there was definitely a blue line there.



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If the line doesn't appear within the first 5 minutes, I would personally take it as being negative. Maybe wait a couple of days (easier said than done I know) and test with a FRER again. If those first tests ARE actually positive, then in 2 days, you should hopefully see a better line. Everything crossed for you xx
That’s what I was thinking. But like I said I’ve had it before when I was pregnant that the line didn’t show up straight away. I took a pregnancy test this morning and I could see the faintest line but it disappeared and I have had some negatives, so I don’t know what to believe!
heres a better photo, its definitely red!


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Just commented on your other comment with the pic :) I'd do another test tomorrow with a frer and fmu. I've used the tesco ones hun and nearly always get am evap line! So I'd stay clear.... But love frer or super drug ones are meant to be good too :) xx
Yeah the red dye is first response! I took one this morning and had a faint line within the time frame, it was super faint, and then it disappeared. So just going to go and get a blood test ASAP!
Fingers crossed for you Kshaw! I wouldn't be able to stop POAS in your situation haha! Let us know how you get on!! xx

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