is this PND?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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I have been having trouble sleeping for a while which i put down to my body being all mixed up with having been up in the night so much. Charlotte was sleeping through but has woken the last 2 nights (hunger again we think). Anyway, please do not get the wrong idea, i love her to bits but i just feel so angry when i am up in the night and she won't settle for 2 hours or so.

I am totally exhausted as even when she was sleeping through i found it hard to sleep past 3 or 4a.m so haven't caught up yet with sleep. I am not enjoying her like i feel i should as i am too tired and dread going to bed not knowing what she will do. I had been putting my feelings down to tiredness but now i do not know if it is something more. I just cannot put my finger on it but things don't feel "right". I also feel annoyed during the day sometimes when she just will not stop crying cos she is tired then i feel guilty the next minute.

Sorry if i am not making myself clear this is difficult for me, and hard to explain.

I do not have an unrealistic view of being a mother or anything, or expect it to be easy all the time, but having a baby is something i wanted so much and i am now so upset with how i feel about things.

Does his sound like more than just something that will pass when i catch up on sleep?

thanks xx
Just want to give you some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: .

I know exactly how you feel about sleeping Jess has started waking up during the night again too, we had about 2 weeks of her sleeping 9 until 7am but she is now waking again at 2:30 - 3:00am is awake about an hour then sleeps for 45 mins to an hour then does exactly the same until about 7:30am - 8:00am.

Sorry i can't give any advice on PND but maybe you could have a chat to your GP about it. :hug: :hug: :hug:
from ur description it sounds like it 2 me, altho iv thankfully escaped it so dont really kno what its like 2 be able 2 comment fairly.

i sympathise with the wakin up, melissa stopped sleepin thru at 4 months too. apparently its quite common, that age they start 2 realise they can get cuddes and attention by crying. good luck hope u get some sleep n feel better soon :hug:
That could've been me talking and still is to some degree. Nights are always hard for me. I hate not knowing what the night has in store and I so desperately need my sleep.
I THINK those feelings are fairly normal but if you're at all worried about your mood, have a chat with your Health Visitor.
Hope you feel better soon. Lucyxxx
Hiya nikkif,

really sorry to hear you're having a hard time. I remember dreading going to bed but only felt like that for a few weeks after we came home from hospital. I was in the baby blues phase then.

Ash has been waking a lot in the night recently with being ill but fortunately he wakes, feeds, and usually goes straight back to sleep again. I'd be awful if I had to stay up with him to try and settle him.

It's bound to take it's toll and whilst it may or may not be PND, it probably won't rectify until you can get more rest. I would speak to your GP because if it is, it's bes to catch it early.

Do you have people you can talk to and meet up with during the day? It helps to chat to people in similar posiitons. You can always give me a ring if it helps.
thanks for your replies :hug:

I have made friends with a couple of girls from my baby group and it seems am not alone in how Charlotte is being at night. To be honest, i do think it is just extreme tiredness that is making me feel like this. It doesn't help that i am suffering i bit with insomnia now too! i am going to see the doctor today so hopefully will get something sort term to help me get a bit more sleep then see how i go from there.

I have plenty of close friends round here, but unfortunately my family live over 2 hours away so my mum, whom i trust Charlotte with most obviously cannot help me out as much as she would love to. :hug:

thanks again, any other advice would be much appreciated xx

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