Is this colic?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2014
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I don't have a flipping clue, but tonight has been awful and I'm in tears...

Three evenings now have been filled with wailing, scrunching up, constant feeding with nothing soothing her. She's 18 days old now and breastfed, only 6lbs. I didn't think BF babies really got colic?
The awful MW I saw today was absolutely no help. I have infocol and dentinox, which haven't helped (although I know you apparently have to administer for a couple of weeks before any improvement). Is there anything I can do? Does it even sound like colic or could it be something else? She's pretty happy during the day, but come 7pm ish...
My Lo was breastfed and had colic, it's sounds similar to that. Keep going with the infacol it does take a while to work. Tummy massage is also supposed to be good and warm baths/ a warm flannel on tummy.

Colic is awful we suffered for ages, I hope she's okay soon I'm sorry I can't offer more help
Colic and silent reflux have the same sort of symptoms. My son had colic, and I was convinced my daughter had it too and turned out she had reflux, so have a chat with your GP.

Both are horrible though, I hope you and daughter get some relief soon :)
I would lean towards that being reflux. My lg has it. Luckily she doesn't have it as severe as others and is okay on just Gaviscon. My GP is fab with babies so perhaps book an appt? Try keeping her upright for half an hour after a feed and if you can, try raising her sleeping position so she's not totally flat.
Yep sounds like reflux to me too. Pop down to your GP and they'll be able to diagnose :) do be aware that if the reflux is severe, you'll be given ranitidine first for 6 weeks. If you're not happy with it, you can go onto omeprezole. It's amazing stuff.

There's also a great FB group called reflux UK or something, it's great for advice.

Sounds like it. My daughter has had it for weeks now. She's 12 weeks this week. It does drive you crackers and I've been in tears because I'm on own most days with a toddler as well. Whilst OH is working. unfortunately for us nothing has really helped but it seems to be wearing off now. it is a case of just having to deal with it. And get your husband to take over while you give yourself time out a bit. Get a bath freshen up and then start again.
Or could be reflux. Though with reflux don't they normally spit up or sick up the milk? I mentioned Silent Reflux and was given gaviscon
Hi hun, unfortunately colic is one of those things that are just unexplained and it's a myth it doesn't affect breastfed babies. If you're breastfeeding I would be inclined to check the latch and positioning to make sure that no excess air is getting in making it really painful for you baby. Are there any support groups nearby where you can go and they can take a look and give you some tips? I'm a peer supporter and sometimes a simple adjustment to the position, improves the latch and makes a world of difference to the contentment of the baby.
Baby massage can also really help with any trapped gas.

Also if it's only happening in the evening, it might just be your baby's 'witching hour' where he's feeding constantly as though there is nothing there and getting frustrated. If that's the case, although the it's tough, it's the way your milk supply is being increased.

One other thing to keep in mind is a possible tongue tie. If the weight gain is slow the it might be worth seeing a lactation consultant in your local bf support group to see if they can diagnose. I would go to them over a gp/hv or MW as they are much more experienced at diagnosing the slightest tongue tie.

It might be reflux but if it was it wouldn't normally just happen in the evenings, they'd be very upset for most of the day. My youngest had it and was miserable day and night.

I hope it all settles soon chick.x
My LO had colic for the first 6 weeks so I really feel for you!!! It's all fine now but I remember it well- we'd be up for hours at night trying to soothe him. Tummy massage might help and just keep switching positions. In addition to normal shoulder position try laying her over your knees and rubbing her back, also try sitting her on your knee and slowly moving her upper body in slow circles (like a Mr Whippy icecream!) I also found going up and down stairs helped bring up a burp. And if none of that works give her a bath- it often worked for us. Sometimes nothing worked and I'd be beside myself and desperate to sleep, but he always nodded off eventually. Infacol does work after a few days- it's just a bit of a pain having to administer it before a feed! Also someone mentioned checking your latch- definitely a good idea as she could be gulping a bit of air. The national breastfeeding helpline is amazing if you don't have any BF groups near you.

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