Is this a BFP? evap line? Im not sure :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Did a test about 40minutes ago and left it, came back and it was like this, i can definatly see something but dont know if its a BFP or evap line? Iv had really bad stomach ache all day so thought id do a test :pray:






i can see it to how long did u leave it for before u checked it tho ?? :hug:
hate to put a damper on things, but ive had a few of these that turned out to be evaps, so it could well be. the only thing u can do as im sure u kno is test in a few days and dont look at it after the 10 minutes. Hoping it is a bfp tho hun.
about 30minutes... i did the test then after id wiped and everything i checked and thought i could see a line as the pink went across but thought it was my imagination so left it then when i went to the loo again about 30minutes later it had that line on it. Thats why im not sure wether its an evap :think: I should probably start checking them properly :doh:
Test again woth FMU of your unsure hun hope its all good!!! :pray:
It does look good but like others have suggested test again with FMU. :pray: :pray:

Good luck. :hug:
i see 3 lines, the dark control line, a really tiny faint line, AND an evap line- id say its a BFP.. test in a day or two, it should get darker xx
Really hope it is hun have u got any more to try again :pray:
I can def see something....I really hope its not an evap but its hard to be sure - things never come out that well on pics for me (stupid computer) - Id say test again with FMU and check the test within the time limit ....FX for you hun as you really deserve that BFP :hug: xxx
Fingers crossed for your test with FMU Jenna :pray:
:shock: It looks just the same as my BFP did, I did the same hun and left it over an hour - hooked it out the bin and there was the little pink another one in the morning. Oooooo how exciting!!! God knows you deserve a BFP hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

let us know how you get on in the morning

fingers crossed for you :hug:
I was just thinking about you today! I hope this is it for you, test tomorrow with FMU and check before the 10-minute mark.

I played with 2 pics a bit to enhance it, although I can see the lines in the original ones anyway. Here they are:



Good luck!!! :hug:

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