Is the dentist safe?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2010
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Hey, :)

Just a quick question really. I have the dentist tomo morning to get a white filling (I know these are safe and not aluminium) but I was just wondering is the local anasthetic which they will give safe?

Thanking you x
As long as the dentist is aware you're pregnant they shouldn't give you anything that could seriously harm baby x good luck I hate the dentist (had a tooth pulled and he'd misjudged the amount of local so I felt everything! Needless to say I fainted!) x x
I love the dentist :yay: So I'll be going if I can :D
I love the dentist too Mamafy, thought I was the only one! x
i hate the dentist i have half a tooth at mo because my dentist wont remove rest of it while im pregnant i have the sad look of a crack hoe at mo all bad teeth and spots lol x
I need to get a teenie filling on one of my teeth but Im a VERY nervous patient so have to be sedated. I was just going to wait till the babies born to go cause I didnt think they'd sedate me while pregnant...but maybe Ill just go ask :) gets it out the way!

Helen123 - the exact same thing happened to me when I was younger, hence my now crazy fear of the dentist lol. Im determined to get over it though cause I dont want my girl to be afraid as well! Silly dentists!
Mamafy and erin are you mad???? i'm a dental nurse and ive never had a patient say they like the dentist!!!
dont 4get we all get free treatment while pregnant!
No way I hate the dentist, that drilling sound that sounds like it is rattleing your brain goes right through me even just thinking about it!:shock:

Mel- I you but incase you dont see it, as a dental nurse to your knowledge is the local anestgetic safe? Thanks x
I've had the same dentist since before I had teeth!!! Unfortunately that means it's a private practice and I still have to pay, I really don't mind going, even after all the horrible things that he's had to do to my teeth in the past, that's trust eh! In fact he knew I was pregnant before my parents did!!

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