Is spotting in second tri normal?

Desiree G

New Member
Dec 7, 2020
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I’m pregnant for the first time and this pregnancy has been weird.. I’m 15 weeks and have experience spotting/light bleeding two times now since been in my second trimester. The bleeding doesn’t fully go away right away.. it just gets lighter and lighter and then disappears within a day or two.

the first time was right at 13 weeks and it was thanksgiving. I went to the doctor and they said everything was fine and just to rest. I figured I probably just did too much because thanksgiving was a my house and I was doing everything.

well it happened again last night.. and this week I’m 15 weeks. I’m thinking maybe I did too much again yesterday? I walked around my local mall for Christmas shopping and went to a couple other big stores as well so I’m thinking maybe my body is doing too much?

I really don’t have another reason and it really worries me. Last time I talked to my doctor about it, he really didn’t even care too much and just brushed it off so I’m concerned.
Just because it was fine last time, you can't just assume it is this time. I don't say that to scare you, but more to reinforce the importance of getting yourself checked out my your doctor or midwife.
Just because it was fine last time, you can't just assume it is this time. I don't say that to scare you, but more to reinforce the importance of getting yourself checked out my your doctor or midwife.

Okay, I will. Thank you!!

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