Is it too early! ?!?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Ok so since yesterday, i have felt nauseous, last night in bed i had cramps in my abdo and i couldnt settle at all, i also had a weird burning sensation in my BBs. This morning my husbands deodrant spelt so strong i nearly threw me i usually like it!

Now it just seems a bit early to me, I am only 3dpo unless i ovulated earlier this month. but it wouldnt have even implanted yet so surely shouldnt have symptoms? or does it sometimes happen like that. It is way to early to test obv so dont really know what to do. when i put in the dates in the due date calc thing it said conception would have been approx sat or sunday which would tie in cos we did lots of BD over the weekend! hehe but like i said seems a bit early for the symptoms arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh advice?!?! :wall2:
It does sound a bit too early to me BUT burning boobs/nipples was the exact same symptom the day I had my bfp. Is there any chance you ovulated earlier than you thought?
Well i guess i could have but the only time i could have convieve before was the week before AF in Jan and I had my af on cue although was lighter than normal. so confusing arent they female bodies haha
They sure are! If you ovulated on the day you think you did implantation should have happened by about day 9 and it takes 4 days for the hormone to reach urine (as far as I've read) so you should be able to test in around 9 days. x
I guess it is just wait and see time! :D thanks for your advice! x
ok so i just did the due calc thing if i concieved last month, even tho i have an af (very light) I would be 6 weeks now but surely i would have noticed before yesterday!?!?
Not necessarily- I've had barely any symptoms since finding out last week. You should :test: today- if you are preg from last cycle then it would show up on pretty much any test at any time of the day by now. x
Look at Evie Smith! She had a light AF and was still pregnant as far as I remember. From what I've heard light bleeding and spotting in early pregnancy is common. Having said that, I guess it depends on how similar to your AF it was.
well it is hard to say, like i said it was lighter and didnt last as long, usually lasts about 4 days and 2 days it was gone last time. This may be tmi but i have this feeling atm that i am gonna get AF...but obv it's still nearly two weeks til it is due. weird!
That's exactly how I am feeling on and off- constantly feel like af is coming- I think that sounds promising. Only one way to find out hon- by testing you'll know straight away one way or the other.
yeah i know i just feel really scared now incase i get a BFN stupid i know.
Well at least if you do, you are already in your 2WW for this cycle so not long to wait until testing again. x
Ok so my BBs still burning and last night felt so bloated and had funny cramps. Also still with the nauseous! Gonna get a test today, but surely i cant be from last month just doesnt make sense!
Ok so my BBs still burning and last night felt so bloated and had funny cramps. Also still with the nauseous! Gonna get a test today, but surely i cant be from last month just doesnt make sense!
Ah I know....I really feel for everyone whos been trying for some time now Ive only been trying since Jan and Im already up the wall.....hope its + for you...:)
ok so my jumper is way too tight round my bbs hmmm *musnt expect a BFP*
hope you get your bfp soon too hunnie!
Its a good sign!!!! lol lets hope they keep expanding for the right reasons lol....and thanks me too Ive not had periods for over ten yrs and dont like having them again ha ha lol worth it tho once we get our BFP!!! lol

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